  • 學位論文


Action Study with “Painting on Plastic Bottles” for Third Grade Students

指導教授 : 符逸群


摘要 現今在知識發達、生活便利的時代裡,許多事情和以前的生活不一樣了。在夏天有許多商店提供飲料讓大家消暑,但是每次在購買飲料下,不僅消了暑,喝完的飲料也產生很多垃圾,使我們的環境變得很髒亂。本研究主要是為了改善環境、美化生活,使產生的垃圾能消失而讓環境進化的方式。一開始是以課程自編的方式,搭配環保概念及美感設計的議題,用在課程教學上,使小朋友不僅能有環境保護和回收利用的相關概念,也有以美術的各題材,實際用在環境保護和回收利用的概念上,已達美化環境的目的。 本研究以台中市上安國民小學為場所,班級則以三年級的三年一班為對象。時間由101年9月開始,到102年6月為止,進行11節課的教學行動研究。「教學理解」的歷程共規劃為三個階段,分別為「美術理論技巧教學」、「水彩技巧教學」、「塑膠瓶製作教學」,再來以「行動研究法」來對研究的內容做個回饋和了解,發現了下列幾項結果: 一、 三年級的小朋友所學的部份不算多,所以對於有些美術理論可能需要省略介紹,此也是為了符合三年級的學習所學上的需求,否則敎的時候會發現教了半天小朋友卻未得到理解的窘境。「運用兒童故事引導藝術創作之課程」對學童自我概念有正向的影響。 二、 下課時,小朋友對錄影機等設備都非常地有興趣,會聚在一起觀看、嬉戲。這部份可能小朋友在家中也不常用到這些設備,所以當他們見到時心裡會有羨慕之情而下課把玩,下次教學前,應該多想想這個問題。 三、 在教學理解的歷程中,小朋友對於實作的部份可能有些困難。這方面可能是因為他們均是三年級小朋友,所以會又這樣的狀況。教學中像水彩調色、水彩加白膠等問題,因為他們大多是第一次經歷,所以會出錯難免。 這些是研究者根據觀察找出來的,沒有完全的部份可能要由讀者提供經驗,不便之處請多包含。


兒童故事 藝術創作 自我概念 美化 塑膠 環境


Abstract In the era of development of knowledge and convenient lifestyle, it has been a lot of changes with before. In summer, we buy lots of beverage for cooling down ourselves. However, after we drink out the beverage, we also leave tons of plastic bottles to pollute our environment. In this study, we recycled plastic bottles to reduce our trash which can improve our environment and embellish our life. In the beginning, we developed our class with concept of environmental protection and aesthetic design. To apply on the class, children can not only learn the concept of environmental protection and recycling, but also use the aesthetic materials to realize it. This study applied on the third grade students with 11 active courses at ShanAnn elementary school, Taichung city, from September 2012 to June 2013. “Teaching action content ” included three steps: “theory and technique of arts ”, “technique of water color painting” and “decoration of plastic bottles ”. With the method of “action study”, some results are feedbacked from students: 1. The third grade students cannot fully realized the theory of art yet. Therefore, it may have better eliminate some parts of the theory of art. 2. During the break time, students were highly interested in the equipment of video recorder, and they were watching and playing with it. It might be more careful to use this video recorder next time. 3. It’s a little bit difficult for third grade students to do hands on work on arts. For most of students, this is the first time for them to mix painting colors and blend water painting with resin glue. This study is mainly from observation, and there might be some part missing which need provided from reader.


embellish plastic environment


吳明隆(2001)。教育行動研究導論 - 理論與實務。台北市:五南圖書出版公司。


