  • 學位論文

匯率模型預測能力之比較-資產組合模型 vs 隨機漫步模型

A Comparison of the Ability of Exchange Rate Predict Model - Portfolio Model vs. Random Walk Model

指導教授 : 孫鈺峯


本研究以2000年1月至2013年12月總體經濟變數的月資料建立資產組合平衡及隨機漫步兩種預測模型,2014年1月至2015年12月為預測資料,觀察兩種模型預測匯率的均方根差及絕對均差來比較其預測能力。 因為變數資料為屬於時間數列,所以先對所有的變數進行單根檢定,確定一階差分後無單根,再以共整合分析找出匯率與變數的共整合關係式。經實證後發現如下:一、新台幣兌美元匯率(e)、美國貨幣供給(m2f)、台灣貨幣供給(m2)、台灣本國債(B)具有共整合關係,也就是這些變數存在長期均衡關係。二、台灣貨幣供給(m2)變動與新台幣兌美元匯率(e)為正向關係;美國貨幣供給 (m2f)與新台幣兌美元匯率(e)則呈現負向關係;台灣本國債(B)與匯率(e)之間則呈現負向關係。三、從RMSE比較,資產組合平衡理論的預測能力略優於隨機漫步;從MAE比較,隨機漫步的預測能力則略優於資產組合平衡理論。四、與匯率有關的總體經濟變數均為非定態時間數列。


This study selects monthly data from January, 2000 to December, 2013 to make the predictions of Portfolio Balance Model and Random Walk Model, and use January, 2014 to December, 2015 as forecast data to compare their forecasting capabilities of exchange rate by observing Root Mean Squared Error and Mean Absolute Error between the two models. Variable data are time series, the first step of the research method is to take Unit Root Test to check Variable’s difference of first order without Unit Root, and then using Cointegration Test to identify the cointegration between variable and exchange rates. Empirical findings are follows: (1) The exchange rate of NTD/USD and foreign money supply (USD), domestic money supply (NTD), the national debt of Taiwan has Cointegration.(2)On one hand, the relationship between the changes of domestic money supply (NTD) and the exchange rate of NTD/USD is positive. On the other hand, the relationship between foreign money supply (USD) and the exchange rate of NTD/USD is negative.Furthmore, Changes between the national debt of Taiwan and the exchange rate of NTD/USD also shows negative relationship.(3) Portfolio Balance Model have better prediction performance than Random Walk Model by RSME;Random Walk Model have better prediction performance than Portfolio Balance Model by MAE. (4) the overall economic variables related to exchange rate are non-stationary time series.


