  • 學位論文


The Effects on Learning Performances by Applying STAD Cooperative Learning Method in Social Studies Learning Area of the Third Graders.

指導教授 : 呂欽武


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討合作式學習教學法對社會學習領域合作技巧、學習成就、同儕關係及學習動機的影響。本研究教學設計採用學生小組成就區分法(STAD),以國小三年級54位學童為對象,進行八週之準實驗研究。實驗所得資料以敘述性統計、交叉表、成對樣本t檢定與獨立樣本t檢定,進行統計與分析,以了解實驗處理後兩組之間的差異情形,以及探討國小學生性別對合作技巧、學習成就、同儕關係、學習動機之影響。 本研究之結論如下: 一、不同社會學習領域教學法之成效 (一)在「社會學習領域合作技巧」方面:接受「合作式學習教學法」的學 童,七項合作技巧之中,在「輕聲細語」、「鼓勵」兩項技巧有稍微下 降趨勢;在「傾聽」、「對同組同學表達謝意」兩項技巧呈持平狀態;其 餘「主動提出意見和看法」、「針對主題發言」、「不插嘴」等三項技 巧,則呈上升趨勢。合作式學習教學法對於合作技巧的提升,有正向顯著 的關係。 (二)在「社會學習領域學習成就」方面:在教學實驗後,接受「合作式學習 教學法」 的學童在「社會學習領域學習成就後測」上的得分,未顯著優 於接受「一般講述教學法」的學童。 (三)在「社會學習領域學習動機」方面:接受「合作式學習教學法」的學童 在「學習動機量表」上的得分,顯著優於接受「一般講述教學法」的學 童。 (四)在「社會學習領域同儕關係」方面:「合作式學習教學法」在「同組學 習意願表」上的得分,未顯著優於「一般講述教學法」的學童。 二、國小學生性別對合作技巧、學習成就、同儕關係、學習動機之成效 (一)國小學生性別對合作技巧及學習成就之成效,女生顯著優於男生。 (二)國小學生性別對同儕關係及學習動機之成效,男女生沒有顯著差異。 三、將以上研究所得之結果,在教學方面以及未來研究方面提出具體相關建 議,以供教師在實施合作學習教學及未來研究發展之參考。 關鍵字:合作學習、學生小組成就區分法、社會學習領域、社會領域學習表現。


Abstract This research aims to address the influence of the cooperative learning teaching method on cooperative skills in learning domains, learning performances, peer interactions and learning motives. The teaching design in this research adopts STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) with a control of 54 3rd-grade students in the elementary school for a quasi-experimental research in a period of 8 weeks. The data obtained from the experiment were then deducted and alanyzed by means of descriptive statistics, cross tables, pared sample t tests and independent sample t tests in the purpose of understanding the difference between two subgroups under experimental treating, and further to address the effect of schoolkid genders on cooperative skills, learing performances, peer interactions and learning motives. The deduction of this research can be obtained as follows. A.The effectiveness between various social learing domain teaching methods a.In the aspect of “cooperative skills in the domain of social learning”: To the schoolkids who accept “the cooperative learning teaching method”, among seven cooperative skills, two of which, i.e. “softly speaking” and “encouragement” are going downward; two hold the same level including “listening” and “gratitude to their schoolmates in the same group”; the other skills such as “actively expressing one’s own views and opinions”, “speaking to the point of topics” and “no interjections” are going upward. There is a significantly positive relationship between the cooperative learning teaching method and the improvement of cooperative skills. b.In the aspect of “learning performances in the domain of social learning”: In the score from “learning performance after-test in the domain of social learning”, the schoolkids who accepted “the cooperative learning teaching method” is not conspiciously better than those who accept “the general didactic teaching method”. c.In the aspect of “learning motives in the domain of social learing”: The score in “learning motive scale” obtained from shoolkids who accept “the cooperative learning teaching method” is conspiciously better than those who accept “the general didactic teaching method”. d.In the aspect of “peer interactions in the domain of social learning”: In the score of “table of learning intention in the same group”, the schoolkids who accept “the cooperative learning teaching method” is not conspiciously better than those who accept “the general didactic teaching method”. B.The effectiveness of schoolkid genders on cooperative skills, learning performances, peer interactions and learning motives. a.In the aspect of effectiveness of shoolkid genders to cooperative skills and learning performances, girls are much better boys. b.In the aspect of effectivenes of shoolkid genders to peer interactions and learning motives, there is no obvious difference between each other. C.With the conclusion obtained from the above research, relevent practical suggestions can be made to the teaching and study going forward and work as references by teachers in the practice of cooperative learning instructions and researches in the future. Keywords: Cooperative learning, STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions), Social learning domain, Social domain learning performance


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