  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Motivation at Health Care Service Center

指導教授 : 陳瀅世 李明榮


摘要 本研究主要目的為從眾多不同的需求中,確認民眾在選擇健康管理中心時,最能影響其決策行為之動機因素。研究對象為台北地區iCare心活健康管理中心之會員共305位。本研究採用Maslow需求動機理論及Engel, Blackwell and Miniard(2001)消費者購買動機理論作為消費動機問卷之設計架構,並藉由信度分析、探索式因素分析、卡方分析及單因子變異數分析將所有回收之問卷進行統計分析,所得結果如下: 一、健康管理中心之民眾,對於消費動機的重要性排列順序為自我實現與擁有動機、社會與娛樂動機、安全與健康動機及尊重與友誼動機;在前往健康管理中心之前會透過大眾媒體來進行行前搜尋;而評估準則有環境、經濟效益及服務等因素。 二、健康管理中心會員年齡約集中於41-50歲之間,以已婚女性會員佔多數,皆屬於高收入及高消費之消費族群;而男性會員平均每年收入高於女性會員;而女性會員在健康管理中心的消費支出則高於男性會員,顯示出女性會員比較容易接受健康管理中心所以使用之相關產品。 三、對於健康管理中心民眾在年齡、每年收入、每月可支配開銷、工作地點、消費伴侶、健康檢查消費頻率、健康促進課程使用頻率、消費支出、消費其他相關產品及消費滿意度等變項與消費動機中皆有顯著性差異。 本研究結論指出,對健康管理中心之經營者而言,應隨時掌握市場訊息,鎖定目標客源、確認市場區隔、定訂正確行銷策略、創新產品、服務項目及區分產品在市場間之差異化,針對其關鍵需求提供適時適當之服務內容,提升競爭優勢並在合理之狀態下創造屬於企業本身之價值與利潤。 關鍵字:健康管理中心、消費動機、探索式因素分析


A Study of Consumer Motivation at Health Care Service Center Abstract This research paper’s purpose is to study the factors that affect the public’s choice of Health Center. The subjects of the study are members of iCare Health Center in Taipei City. Consumptive motivator, information searching, evaluation of alternatives, consumptive behavior, and demographic variables are the principal factors focused in this paper. The survey is base on Maslow’s “Theory of Hierarchy of Needs” and Engel, Blackwell and Miniard’s “Theory of Consumptive Motivators”. The four methods used are reliability analysis, exploratory confirmatory factor analysis, Chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA. We try to analyze that will consumer change their consumptive behavior if Health Institute always renew their products and service. Following the collection and analysis of data, we are able to summarize that: 1.The members of Health Center think the most important thing for consumptive motivator is Self-actualization and Possess motive, the second is Society and Pleasure motive, the third is Safety and Health motive, and the last one is Self-esteem and Companionship motive. Before they go to any Health Center, they use the mass media to get information. The criterions that they base their selection on are environment, economic effect, and service. 2.The average age of the surveyed members is between 41 to 50 years old. Most members are married females with high incomes and high levels of consumption. The average annual income of male members is greater than females; however, the female members spend more money on additional products at the Health Center than male member do. This demonstrates that females easily accept products and services from Health Center than males. 3.For members of Health Center, the demographic variables and consumptive behavior have remarkable difference and relation to the consumptive motivator. The conclusion of this research point out that the manager of Health Institute should always controls marketing information, confirms marketing segment, makes marketing strategy, renews product and service, and differentiates the product from markets. The Health Institute should provide suitable service at the right moment to satisfy consumer’s demand, and then it can promote its competitiveness and create its value and profit. Key Words: health center, consumptive motivator, exploratory confirmatory


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