  • 學位論文


A Study on Travel Motivations、 Travel Barrier and Travel Behavior of the Residents in Penghu

指導教授 : 陳元陽


澎湖群島四面環海,擁有豐富的觀光旅遊資源,但是居住在離島的特殊條件下,有關澎湖居民的旅遊研究卻少有觸及,因此本研究的目的即在瞭解澎湖居民在離島的特殊條件下,居民的旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙、旅遊行為,以及居民人口特性在旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙及旅遊行為的差異,希望研究之結果做為政府及相關業者做參考,並且進一步滿足居民的旅遊需求。 因此為達上述之目的,本研究首先收集有關旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙及旅遊行為等相關文獻,做為本研究的理論基礎與研究架構,其次進行問卷的設計及發放,發放時間為2006年2月1日至3月31日,抽樣方法為分層抽樣法,並以五鄉一市人口比率來計算,再依各鄉市之人口比率來發放問卷共發放430份,回收共430份,有效問卷391份。將資料整理輸入後,利用SPSS10.0軟體進行描述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、雪費多重比較分析、卡方(χ2)檢定等方法予以分析,最後獲得以下結果與建議: 一、研究結果 本研究分析發現居民旅遊動機因素為「體驗與學習」、「生理與心理放鬆」、「自我肯定與炫耀」、「發展社交與技能」,性別、年齡、家庭狀況、在旅遊動機中皆有顯著差異;而居民旅遊阻礙因素為「生心理障礙」、「安全性障礙」、「環境與經濟障礙」、「親友支持障礙」、「責任性障礙」,性別、年齡、個人平均月收入、家庭狀況、教育程度、職業在旅遊阻礙中皆有顯著差異,另外居民過去一年來參與旅遊活動行為結果,居民旅遊的次數以1~2次居多;旅遊天數則以2~3天為主;而平均花費在20,001~50,000元之間;旅遊平均最高花費則是在交通費用;資訊來源是網際網路;旅遊決策者主要為自己;旅遊交通方式則以搭飛機居多;旅遊同伴多為家人親戚;旅遊方式則為自助旅遊,性別、年齡、家庭狀況、教育程度、個人平均月收入及職業在旅遊行為中皆有顯著差異。 二、建議 相關業者及單位可設計旅遊與健康休養、體驗民俗風情結合的行程,以滿足居民不同的旅遊動機,而交通及天候阻礙方面居民則可以利用累假的方式,來累積並延長期假的天數,而相關業者則可與政府單位合作,加強宣傳及推廣旅遊活動,並定期推出優惠或是超值的旅遊行程,以降低居民的交通費負擔,提昇居民的旅遊意願;另外針對飛機及輪船這兩個交通工具,飛機及輪船的行駛都要提昇導航設施及其他安全性的加強,這樣一來才不會因為天候因素而停擺。


Penghu Islands is surrounded by the sea, there are abundant tourist resources, but in the special condition of living in the offshore island, the travel research of residents in Penghu is very few. This study aimed to investigate the travel motivations, travel barrier and travel behavior of the residents in Penghu, and investigating the difference population characteristics, and investigating the difference in the residents different characteristics on travel motivations, travel barrier and travel behavior, The research results and findings were then offered to the government and tourism business, so that the residents’ needs could be further fulfilled. To reach the goals above, the researcher first collected the relative literature and studies of the ravel motivations, travel barrier and travel behavior to serve as the basis and framework of the study. Then, the researcher designed, tested, and revised the questionnaires. The sampling method is Stratified sampling.Calculate with people's rate of five townships and one city. Grants 430 shares altogether, and taken out, three hundred and ninety-one valid questionnaires were obtained. After inputting the information, the researcher made descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way anova, scheffe methed and chi-square tests by using the statistical software SPSS. The findings were as follows: 1.Result of study Originally research and analyse find resident's tourist motive factor for ' experience and study ', ' physiology and psychology are relaxed ', ' since I am sure and show off ', ' develop the social activity and technical ability ', sex , age , family's state , all there is difference of showing in the tourist motive; And residents travel and hinder factor in order to grows the psychological obstacle , ' the security obstacle ' , ' the environment and economic obstacle ' , ' relatives and friends Support obstacle ', ' accountability obstacle ', gender, age , personal average monthly income , family state , education degree , in travel in hindering for difference of showing job, residents participate in the behavior result of the tourist activity over the past year in addition, the number of times that residents travel is mostly 1 times; and spend 2~3 days in the travel ; the cost between NT20,001~50,000 equally; Transportation fares on travel cost averagly at most ; Most travel information sources from is an internet network; The traveler make the travel decision themselves .policy; By plane is the Most of The way of traffic for tourism. Travel companions are mostly relatives of family; The travel way is the travel at one's own expense , all there is difference of showing in the behavior of travelling between the gender, age , family's state , education degree , personal average monthly income and job. 2.propose Relevant family property person and unit can design and travel and recuperate , experience the journey that the local conditions and customs combine healthily , in order to meet resident's different tourist motives, but the traffic and weather can utilize tired and false way to hinder respect residents, come accumulate and extended period false day, but relevant family property person can cooperate with government unit, strengthen and propagate and popularize the tourist activity, and introduce the favourable or overbalanced travel journey regularly, bear for the transportation expenses which reduces residents, promote residents' travel will; In addition to plane and steamer two means of transportation these, plane and steamer is it navigate facility and other enhancement of security to promote to want to go, will not stop because of weather factor in this case.




