  • 學位論文


Determinants of Morale Among Elderly in Rural Area of Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱橋麗


本研究主要目的在於瞭解臺灣地區鄉村老年人的生活士氣概況,對於老年人社會人口學特質、健康狀況及社會支持等方面的差異,並探討影響老年人生活士氣的因素,同時藉由影響老年人生活士氣相關因子的瞭解,可以幫助老年人得到更有活力和快樂的晚年,進而提供建議,作為政府雅動長期照護及社區照護的決策的參考依據。本研究以費城老人士氣量表(The Phi lade1Phia Geriatric Center Morale Scale 參為基礎,利用自行設計之問卷收集初級資料,並經由專家的審查與修正,以達內容的正確與可靠。採橫斷性研究方式,於2006 年6 月1 日至10 月31 日期間,由研究者與已接受完整訓練之四名訪員,針對秀水鄉老人會60 歲以上會員,進行面訪所得之民眾共713 位。 研究結果發現,平均士氣得分為8 . 31 分(標準差為3 . 00 )其中教育程度、居住村別、工作狀況、目前職業、退休前職業、退休前平均月收入、每月可支配金錢總額、自評健康、日常生活功能、居住狀況、同住家人最高學歷、自覺家庭氣氣、自覺子女孝順、自覺滿足子女的成就、擔憂子女的工作、擔憂子女的家庭問題與擔憂家庭的經濟問題等因素與生活士氣相關。利用對數迴歸分析發現教育程度、自評健康、自覺滿足子女的成就、擔憂子女的工作、擔憂子女的家庭問題、擔憂家庭的經濟問題、保持連絡充子個數等是生活士氣重要的影響因素,共可解釋生活士氣9 . 9 %的變異量。 為提高生活士氣,建議政府應雅動健康促進方案、積極雅動老年人就業方案,普及社區大學等繼續教育網絡,縮小城鄉差距,建立完善的社區關懷網絡,幫助老年人肯定過去的成就和自我的價值,使老年人晚年生活的更有意義、更有品質。


Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate the determinants of morale among elderly in rural area of Taiwan. We examine the psychometric properties of the Philadelphia Geriatric Morale Scale (PGMS) in a rural geriatric society in Taiwan. Methods : This research consisted 713 participants aged 60 years and older living in the community who belonged to local geriatric society in June to October of 2006. The 22-item PGMS was administered. Results The results identified morale do correlate with some underlying factors, including education status of elderly and family, occupation of retired before and after, salary before retired, self-perceived health, activities of daily living, living with family or not, self-perceived piety of children ,achievements of children and anxiety about career and marriage of children and financial concern . After logistic regression analyses, we found that the important factors that influence morale of elderly were: education status of elderly, self-perceived health, self-perceived piety of children ,achievements of children and anxiety about career and marriage of children and financial concern. Conclusion : Compared with the other study, this one showed that elderly in Taiwan had low morale. Therefore, we suggested government should set health promotion into action and help elderly to obtain employment It is imperative that government should develop community care network and make effort to change differences between urban and rural area. It is very crucial to fulfill the ideas of self-realization to the elderly.


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