  • 學位論文


Experience of continuous participation for the community volunteers in health-related services

指導教授 : 徐慧娟


社區志工是協助社區服務執行的重要成員之一,如果社區志工組織瞭解志工參與志願服務的動機與持續服務之影響因素,才能招募合適的志工與留住志工,並穩定其服務輸送與運作。本研究希望能瞭解社區志工參與志工服務的經驗與感受,探討志工隊成員願意投入並持續參與服務之原因,作為政策或社區志工隊經營之參考。 本研究利用深度訪談法搭配參與觀察法進行。研究者自2007年三月開始至2008年三月,共訪談三個社區的領導人與志工共計19人。訪談結束轉錄為逐字稿,經過編碼分類歸納,形成概念脈絡。 結果發現影響志工持續服務之因素包含參與動機與持續動力。參與動機分成基本生活滿足與追求自我實現;持續動力分成個人層面與組織層面。基本生活滿足著重家庭責任的完成,為初期加入志工之考量條件,追求自我實現則為增強動機。持續動力著重個人期望滿足、人際關係連結、領導方式與團隊氣氛。 建議社區志工隊組織領導人應針對社區志工隊進行SWOT分析,瞭解志工隊之優劣勢,重視志工參與動機、期望與需求。建立適切管理模式、拓展外在資源的連結,並擁有創新思維。


Background and purpose: Community volunteers are one of the key persons to facilitate community service. If community volunteer groups understand the related factors of the volunteer’s motives and continuous participation, then they will be able to recruit and maintain suitable volunteers while keeping service sustainable The purpose of this study is to explore the experience and feeling of community volunteer in health-related services, and the factors of their motivations and willingness to maintain participation. Methods: This study used in-depth interview with participant observation. This study observed three communities with a total of nineteen volunteers. The author interviewed the volunteers and participated in the community volunteering services during March, 2007 and March, 2008. Totally 19 persons were interviewed in three volunteer groups. The interviews were tape recorded and transcribed into texts, and then analyzed to meaningful concepts and categorized into groups. Results: Community volunteer’s continuous participation was comprised of their initial stage of motivation to serve as well as secondary stage of the sustainability of continuous participation. The initial motivation included the condition that one’s basic needs and family responsibility was met, and the desire for self-actualization as reinforcement. The sustainability of continuous participation was based on both the volunteer’s personal and organizational factors. When their expectation was satisfied, the interpersonal relationship was well connected, the leadership and organizational climate were favorable, they would stay and continue their volunteer participation. Discussion: The volunteer leaders are suggested to use SWOT analysis as management strategy, in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of volunteers, and thus to consider the volunteer’s participating motivations, expectations and needs. It would also be helpful for the volunteer group’s sustainability if they establish appropriate management to extend and link to external resources, and encourage innovative thinking.


于漱、楊桂鳳. (2003) 在地化:社區健康營造永續發展的策略. 台灣醫學, 7(1), 124-127


