  • 學位論文


Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Weight Control Program for Mental Illness Patients on Medication -with example of a regional teaching hospital

指導教授 : 藍守仁


精神疾病在臺灣的終身盛行率是千分之六點六至千分之九點七之間,很多研究已顯示精神病患在長期使用抗精神病藥物後會有體重增加的問題,進而影響病人的健康與生活品質,因此體重增加的問題也是非常值得作進一步的預防與介入,體重控制的重要性已不亞於精神疾病的治療。 本研究目的是想要了解藉由結合精神科醫療團隊,包括醫師、護理師、職能治療師及營養師等專業人員,提供患者與家屬對疾病及藥物正確的認知、有效的運動與健康的飲食衛教,協助安排在日常生活中,是否能達到體重管理的目的。 經由本研究結果顯示,實驗組個案在參與體重控制團體後,其身體組成部分、血糖、體能及職能功能方面均有顯著影響,三酸甘油脂及膽固醇雖未達統計上意義,但仍有下降,可見透過為期十周的體重控制團體可達到一定的體重控制效果。


The lifetime prevalence rate of mental illness in Taiwan is 0.66%~0.97. Many researches have shown that mental illness patients have weight gain problem after taking antipsychotic drugs for a long time, thus, affecting the health and quality of life of those patients. Therefore, weight gain problem is worthy of prevention and interference since its significance is no less than the treatment of mental illness. The purpose of this study is to understand the effectiveness of providing patients and their family members correct knowledge on the illness and medication, guidance on proper exercise and healthy diet by a psychiatric team of a regional teaching hospital, including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, and dieticians, on weight control in patients’ daily life. The results showed that the experimental group had significant improvement on physical parts, blood sugar level, physical functions, and occupational functions after participating in the weight control team. Although the levels of triglyceride and cholesterol did not reach significant difference,a certain level of decrease was observed. Therefore, the 10-week weight control group could achieve certain weight control effect.


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