  • 學位論文


Factors in association with performance and retention for primary nursing staff

指導教授 : 廖宏恩


摘 要 本研究目的在探討及了解護理人員整體績效表現與留任意願的關係、分析影響護理人員的整體績效表現與留任意願因素間之差異,同時探討影響護理人員不同整體績效表現的因素。 本研究以普查方式進行相關資料之收集,於2006月1日9日至1月23日,針對中部地區某三家醫院基層護理人員為調查對象,共發出536份問卷,有效問卷回收率為84.70%。研究工具採結構式問卷,問卷包括二部份,第一部份:由護理人員自填之護理人員留任意願及相關因素調查問卷表,第二部份:由護理人員直屬護理主管評核之護理人員績效表現評核表。所得資料以統計軟體SPSS10.0 版進行建檔、除錯、次數、百分比、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數、相關、複迴歸等描述性及推論性統計分析。 研究結果發現:1.醫院基層護理人員留任意願平均分數介於2.79 ~3.55之間(中點分數3分),留任意願為「中等」的程度。其中表示「對護理工作感到不滿意,並且不願意繼續從事此項業務」佔52.4%;表示「我考慮要辭去目前的工作」佔19.8%。2.影響基層護理人員留任意願重要預測因素為:「家庭經濟狀況」、「服務單位科別」、「人格特質」、「工作自主性」、「工作負荷」、「工作環境」、「外在的就業機會」及「社會觀感」。3.護理主管對其所管轄的護理人員之整體績效表現評核成績顯示:受訪護理人員的整體績效表現平均分數為79.96分,接近【良好】(80-89分)等級。4.影響護理人員整體績效表現重要預測因素為:「服務單位科別」、「聘僱模式」、「該院護理工作年資」。5.影響護理人員留任意願的因素與影響其整體績效表現的因素有差異;6.護理人員的整體績效表現與護理人員的留任意願未達到統計上顯著相關;7.影響護理人員不同績效表現的因素有差異。 建議以下策略:1.護理工作豐富化;2.激勵約僱人員正向心情,提升留任意願與績效表現;3.管理者秉持「內部顧客(即護理人員)優先」理念,創造顧客優先的工作環境;4.創造護理人員專業新形象。可助提高護理人員留任之參考,進而創造醫院更好的服務品質與績效。 關鍵詞:護理人員、績效表現、留任意願


Abstract The purpose of the present research is to investigate the correlation between overall performance and willingness to retain among nursing staff in order to analyze the affecting factors thereof and the factors within different overall performances. Based on the data gathered via census-taking, a total of 536 questionnaires have been distributed to the basic level nurses of 3 hospitals in central Taiwan from the 1st to 23rd of January, 2006, with an overall return-rate of 84.70%. As research tool, the structural questionnaire includes 2 segments: A) to be filled out by the nursing staff and B) to be assessed by the direct nursing management. This study attempts to file and debug the data yielded from the questionnaire with SPSS 10.0, which is subsequently ordered and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics including frequency distribution, independent sampled t-test, percentage, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation and multiple regression. Within the scope of the study, it is concluded that: 1. The willingness score for the basic level nursing staff lies between 2.79 ~3.55 with a mean value of 3, therefore, the level of willingness to retain is labeled as “medium”. The percentage point for “Dissatisfied professionals unwilling to remain in the field of nursing” is 52.4% while 19.8% for “Resignation under consideration”. 2. Criterion predictors affecting nurses’ willingness to retain are “financial condition”, “ward unit”, “personality traits”, “job autonomy”, “work load”, “working environment”, “outlet employment opportunity” and “social perception”. 3. Managerial assessment over nursing staff’s overall performance finds the average performance score of the interviewees at 79.96, approximating the range of “good” (a score of 80-89). 4. Criterion predictors affecting nurses’ overall performance are “ward unit”, “employment mode” and “seniority level” 5. There have been discrepancies in the factors effecting willingness to retain and the respective overall performance. 6. Statistically, nurses’ willingness to retain and the respective overall performance have not been significantly correlated. 7. Discrepancies in the factors effecting different performance results of the nursing staff. The alternative strategy is advised as follows: 1. Job enrichment 2. Positive encouragement of the employees for an increase in both willingness and performance 3. Creation of the motto “Internal customers (nurses) are always right”. A better policy for a better working environment 4. Creation of a new professional image for nurses that helps increase their willingness to retain as well as give quality service Keywords: Nursing Staff, Performance, Willingness to Retain


潘依琳、張媚( 1998).醫院護理人員之工作特性、成就動機對工作投入、工作滿足與留職意願之影響.中華衛誌,48-57。


