  • 學位論文


Determinates of sleep quality and its relationship with awareness health among university students

指導教授 : 楊志良


本研究以中部某私立大學 96 學年度第1 學期日間部大一、大四學生共3488 人為母群體,採分層集束抽樣(stratified cluster sampling)取得有效樣本數共計628 人。研究工具為匹茲保睡眠品質量表(Buysse1989)及自編的結構式問卷包含生活習慣量表、生活壓力量表、個人因素等四大部分,Cronbach’ s α介於 0.748~0.877。目的是要瞭解大學生的睡眠狀況及其影響因素。研究結果歸納如下: 一、 睡眠品質得分的平均為6.07(SD=2.79,總分為0-21 分,分數愈高睡眠品質愈差),睡眠品質佳的有296 人(47.1%),睡眠品質差的有332 人(52.9%)。平均睡眠時間6.66 小時,大部分學生在凌晨0-2 點就寢,最晚入睡的時間為6 點,顯示大部分學生皆有晚睡的現象。 二、 以線性複回歸進行分析。結果,管理學院、有噪音干擾而影響睡眠者生活壓力較大Adjust R2=.069。 三、 睡眠品質差:自覺成績非常差、室友或家人是會影響睡眠、在晚上10 點以後因寫作業打報告而延後時間上床睡覺、學業壓力較高。睡眠品質佳:在晚上10 點以後因看課外書(雜誌、小說)而延後時間上床睡覺、自覺健康狀況較佳。Adjust R2=.301。 四、 自覺健康狀況佳;修習學分≧25 學分、經濟來源全部由父母或長輩提供、有運動習慣、有睡前運動習慣、室友或家人會影響睡眠。自覺健康狀況差:自覺在班上成績差、有喝茶可樂或咖啡等含咖啡因飲料、學業、家庭、情感壓力較大、睡眠品質較差者,自覺健康狀況得分較低。Adjust R2=.249。 五、 自覺健康狀況對睡眠品質之皮爾森相關係數(Pearson’s Correlation)為-0.345(p< .01),顯示自覺健康狀況愈差睡眠品質愈差。


This research subjects are freshman and senior students of a private university in central Taiwan year 2007. The total number of them is 3488.Stratified cluster sampling was adopted and 628 students were drowned.The Pittsburgh sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (Buysse 1989), Habits and customs meter and Life pressure meter were used as the measurement tools. Cronbach alpha’s is between 0.748~0.877. The objective is to study the sleeping quality and its determinants. The main findings are as following: 1. The average sleeping quality score is 6.07. (range is 0-21, SD=2.79.The higher score, the worse sleeping quality.) There are 296 students (47.1%) had good sleeping quality, and 332 of them (52.9%) had bad sleeping quality. Average sleep time is 6.66 hours .The majority of the students go to bed between 0-2 AM. The latest time to go to bed is 6 AM. It shows that most of the students like to go bed late. 2. Multiple linear regression was adopted for further analysis. It was found that those students of the college of management and sleeping was interfered by noise who had a greater pressure in their life. Adjust R2=.069。 3. Poor sleeping quality: Those who regard themselves with poor academic marks, their roommates or families had bad interfere on their sleep, those who went to bed later than 10pm because of doing their homework and those who have higher study pressure were with poor sleep. Good sleeping Quality: Students who studied extracurricular books such as novels and magazines before sleeping even though they went to bed late and those regard themselves had better health condition were with better sleeping quality. Adjust R2=.301。 4. Better awareness health: People who took under 25 credits a semesters, had no economic pressure, had exercise habits, used to exercise before sleep, and had roommates or families affecting their sleep tend to have better awareness health.Poor awareness health: Students who think they had poor academic performance, used to drink coffee or tea, had higher pressure from studies, families, affection, or had poor sleep quality were with lower score in awareness health. Adjust R2=.249。 5.The Pearson,s product moment correlation between awareness health and sleeping quality is -0.345 (p< .01). It reveals that the poorer awareness health, the worse sleeping quality.


邱史珊(2006)。大學生的睡眠及其相關因素之研究-以中部地區某國立大學學生為例。亞洲大學健康管理研究所 碩士論文。


