  • 學位論文

飲食態度、飲食行為與 自覺健康狀況、身體滿意度及血液生化值之探討 --以中部某技術學院大一新生為例

A study on dietary attitudes and behaviors with perceived health status、body satisfaction and blood biochemical value among the freshman

指導教授 : 楊志良


本研究的目的在探討飲食態度、飲食行為對自覺健康狀況、身體 滿意度及血液檢查値之影響。研究對象以中部某技術學院日間部大一 新生為母群體,有效樣本數共554 人,佔母全體的85.9%。研究工具 以結構式問卷收集資料。包含飲食態度量表、飲食行為量表、自覺健 康狀況量表、身體滿意度量表及基本資料等五大部分,Chronbach,s α 介於0.76~0.81;血液生化値則以新生健康檢查時抽驗之結果進行分 析。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、飲食行為上,約有2/3 的學生常每天吃早餐;而有1/3 的學生 常因晚起或忙碌而忽略某一餐;約1/5 的學生常吃宵夜、點心或 零食情形;約1/3 的學生常喝含糖飲料;約1/2~2/3 的學生在乳 製品、水果及蔬菜攝取普遍不足,顯示研究對象的飲食行為普遍 不理想。 二、飲食態度方面,女生、環設學院、無吸菸習慣者較正向;每月花 費及飲料花費越高則飲食態度越負向。飲食行為表現上以住在家 裡、外食次數以每日一餐、無菸酒習慣者較正向。飲食態度與飲 食行為呈正相關(r=0.24,p<0.001)。 三、自覺健康狀況方面,以住家裡、無吸菸習慣者及每天排便一次者 自覺健況情形較好。身體滿意度方面則以體重過輕者及男生的滿 意度較高。但Liker 平均分數為2.8,不到3.0 分(有點滿意),顯 示研究對象對自己的身體滿意度仍偏低。自覺健康狀況與身體滿 意度呈顯著正相關(r=0.23,p<0.001)。 四、飲食態度與自覺健康狀況呈顯著正相關;飲食行為與自覺健康狀 況、身體滿意度呈顯著正相關。 五、BMI 値與尿酸値、血紅素及膽固醇呈正相關。飲食態度與尿酸 値、血紅素值呈負相關。學生肥胖率約18.4%,肥胖的學生在尿 酸與膽固醇的平均值,顯著高於其他體位的學生。


The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between dietary attitudes and dietary behaviors with perceived health status, body satisfaction and blood biochemical value. The research subjects are freshman of a pravite college in central Taiwan. 554 students completed the interview which is 85.9 % of the population. Data were collected by a structured questionnare , include attitude of diet, behavior of diet, perceived health status and body satisfaction. Cronbach alpha,s are between 0.76~0.81. The main findings are as following: 1. Two third of the students had breakfast while one third of them miss one meal because of waking up late or too busy. The results indicate that most of the students dietary habits were inappropriate. The intake of milk, fruits and vegetables was not enough.The students had some bad eating behaviors such as“having snack before going to bed",“taking snack",“taking soft drink". 2. Female students, students of Environmental Design college and non smoker had better dietary attitudes. Higher monthly cost and higher soft drink expenditure were with worse dietary attiudes. Those who live at home, have one meal outside home and no drink habit had better dietary behavior. Better dietary attitudes and better dietary behaviors were positively correlated (r=0.24,p<0.001). 3. Those who live at home, have one motion a day and non-smoker, had better perceived health status. Students with underweight and male students had higher body satisfaction. The average Liker score of body satisfaction was 2.8, less than 3.0, indicated the lower body satisfaction. The perceived health status and body satisfaction were positively correlated(r=0.23,p<0.001). 4. Better dietary attitude and perceived health status were positively correlated. Better dietary behavior was positively correlated with perceived health status and body satisfaction 5. BMI value positively correlated with blood uric acid, hemoglobin and total cholesterol. Better dietary attitudes 6. negatively correlated with uric acid and hemoglobin. The prevalence of obesity were 18.4%. The average value of uric acid and total cholesterol among the obesity was significant higher than those not.


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