  • 學位論文


The analysis of related factors of the placement appropriateness of mental disorder patients

指導教授 : 何清松


目的:本研究主要探討影響精神疾病個案安置適當性相關因子 方法:本研究之資料取自「96年度南投縣精神疾病個案需求調查」部份問卷內容,包含個案人口學資料、疾病就醫情形、主要照顧者特性及研究對象居住地之人口數、人口密度、精神醫療資源等因子,與個案安置適當性結果,進行描述性統計及羅吉斯迴歸分析。 結果:本研究之研究對象,係為96年度經南投縣政府衛生局列管之精神疾病個案,有1281位個案納入研究,從羅吉斯迴歸發現,年紀較輕(65歲以下)、正式教育程度較高(13年以上)、低收入戶、服藥天數較低者、居住地人口數較低、居住地人口密度較低、居住地每萬人口醫師數較高之地區等,其安置不適當性機會較高。 結論:針對結果,建議加強精神疾病個案規則就醫、服藥教育及提昇人口密度較低地區之精神醫療資源,應該能有效提昇精神疾病個案安置之適當性。另亦需加強精神疾病去污名化相關衛教,使得年紀較輕、正式教育程度較高之精神疾病患者,能規則就醫讓疾病獲得適當控制及治療,不致因疾病帶來之羞恥感拒絕就醫而導致安置不適當。之外在醫療資源豐富之地區應避免資源誘導需求,而對低收入戶之精神疾病個案之相關補助其相關配套措施亦應規劃完善。 關鍵字:精神疾病、安置、適當性


Abstract Aim:This research mainly discusses the factors which influence the placement appropriateness of mental disorder patients. Method:Data and information of this research is based on a part of a questionnaire on “2007 Nantou County Mental Disorder Patients’ Needs Survey.” It includes the case’s demographic information’ medical treatment status, caretaker’s characteristics and the subject’s living environment. The environmental data contains the population density,as well as the resources of mental disorder medical treatment.The logistic regression was used to analyze the related factors of placement appropriateness. Result:The subjects of this research are the mental disorder cases monitored by the Nantou County government in 2007. There were 1281 cases used in this research. By Rogers analysis method,younger (under 65),higher educated (more than 13 years of education),lower income, takeing medicine there were less number of days,lower population density,and higher number of doctors per 10,000 people areas have a lower placement appropriateness ratio. Conclusion:Enforcing treatments and educating them about takeing medicine,as well as raising medical resources for lower population density areas should have a positive effect on the appropriateness of placement. On top of that,the general health education on mental disorder and its related negative images is also very important. It helps the younger and better educated cases receive treatments regularly and properly control the disorder. It also helps them not to feel ashamed of their sickness and lower the possibility of refusing treatment as a result. Moreover,using free resources as incentives in medical resource rich areas should be avoided. On the contrary,lower income cases should be provided with a relief and a well planned subsidization scheme. Key words: mental disorder,placement,appropriateness


mental disprder placement appropriateness


