  • 學位論文


A Research of Learning Motivation and Progress in classes of foreign spouses in round of Taichung

指導教授 : 楊志良


「天皇皇,地皇皇,無邊無際太平洋,左思想,右思量,出路(希望)在何方?天茫茫,地茫茫,無親無戚靠台郎;月光光,心慌慌,故鄉在遠方。」~識字班之歌。這首「日久他鄉是故鄉」是台灣新移民「識字班之歌」(張正霖,2003)。歌詞中說明了這些新移民的女性對家鄉的思念及對臺灣這個陌生環境的惶恐、不安。面對這些新移民女性,政府單位應主動予以協助,尤其在教育的輔助上更為急迫。 外籍配偶的成長速度仍呈現持續的增長。對於政府而言,首應建立外籍配偶的學習體系,讓外籍配偶能在最短的時間內適應臺灣文化及環境,而後,藉由教育學習體系之輔導及協助,培養其對臺灣文化的認同,如此才能形成「日久他鄉是故鄉」的願景,尤為甚者,應是藉由教育體系的訓練能獲得做為母親的 基本知能,讓未來的「臺灣之子」有更好的成長環境。 故本研究想了解台中縣某鄉鎮的外籍配偶對目前政府提供的成人教育政策,是否可以滿足當前的需求,讓他們有足夠的學習動機和滿意度情形。 根據實證分析結果,獲得以下結論如下: 一、 台中縣某鄉鎮外籍配偶學習動機在課程滿意度方面和課程重要性方面認同性普遍而言都是不錯的。 二、 台中縣某鄉鎮外籍配偶在學習滿意度方面,普遍分數為3.85至4.40之間,其中又以「老師的教學感到滿意」分數為最高。 三、 就不同文化背景的外籍配偶及其學習動機,我們以國籍、年齡、教育程度、來台時間和工作的有無作為探討,結果發現學習動機僅受到年齡的影響,就年齡而言,發現年齡越高其學習的動機越高。 四、 就不同個人因素背景的外籍配偶及學習滿意度情形,我們以國籍、年齡、教育程度、來台時間和工作的有無作為探討,研究結果發現,學習滿意度僅對來台時間有影響,滿意度最高是來0-3年、其次是10年以上、接這分別是4-6年及7-9年。 五、 就以外籍配偶學習動機和學習滿意度,我們用相關方式,發現其結果表之間有顯著的正相關。 關鍵詞:外籍配偶、學習動機、滿意度


外籍配偶 學習動機 滿意度


The purpose of this research was to understand the anxiety and discomfort of new female immigrants in their new Taiwanese environment. New female immigrants should be provided by the relational units of government constructive activities, especially in the case of basic education. Foreign spouses who study at supplemental elementary schools in Taichung Country were sampled in their entirety. When we face increased numbers of newcomers, the government, should briefly setup a whole new education system. This will allow the foreign spouse to be immersed in a fusion of Taiwanese life and culture in the short term. Finally, via education, we will provide Taiwan’s new sons a better growing environment. In this research, we tried to understand the education methods provided by the Taichung country government and if the foreign spouses satisfaction and learning motivation are adequate. The results of this research were summarized as follows: (1). Foreign spouses have a high degree of motivation and progress quickly in classes. (2). The level of satisfaction degree of learning are between 3.85 to 4.40. Among these, satisfaction of the teacher is the highest. (3). The learning motivation of the foreign spouses is different in terms of immigration age, area, term of stay and work states. We found the higher age, the higher learning motivation. (4). The degree of learning satisfaction is different in terms of immigration years, area, education and term of stay in Taiwan. We found in terms of length of stay, the most satisfaction was 0-3 years, followed by 10 years, and then 4-6 years, finally 7-9 years. (5). The higher the level of learning motivation, the higher was their degree of learning satisfaction. .Key word:foreign spouses, learning motivation, satisfaction degree


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