  • 學位論文


On Public’s Opinion of NHI with Social Solidarity

指導教授 : 楊志良 徐慧娟


我國是以推行全民健康保險制度的方式,保障人民在疾病發生時,可獲得基本的醫療照護,藉以達成社會安全的目的。而此社會保險制度設計的精神是以社會連帶意識為基礎,即對較有經濟能力者,課徵較高保費,以資助經濟較弱勢者。 全民健保實施至今,已達成全民納保、消除弱勢及高風險族群就醫的財務障礙,且根據歷年調查,民眾均相當肯定健保存在的價值,亦有七成以上的民眾對全民健保辦理情形感到滿意,但相關調查研究卻發現民眾對於保險負擔態度與社會保險屬性相背離,又分析民眾不滿意健保制度的原因,均與保險財務負擔相關。因此,本研究探討民眾對相對弱勢者保費負擔之社會連帶意識態度及影響因素,並探討其與民眾對健保制度評價的相關性。 研究結果顯示,年長者較具有社會連帶意識態度,而民眾對於健保滿意度與因制度而受利的因素有關,如曾有保險受惠經驗、保險醫療利用較多等。僅認同由收入共同負擔無收入者保費之態度者,對健保滿意度較高,符合研究預期。因此,建議主管機關應加強民眾對社會保險制度的認知,並透過健保受惠經驗的案例宣導,增進民眾對全民健保制度正面評價。


National health insurance applying in R.O.C. is to protect people against diseases and gain the basic medical treatment in order to achieve the goal of social security. Thus, the spirit of designing the social security system is based on the social solidarity attitude. An essential idea is that the majority of advantaged people pay higher insurance fee to share the burden of the minority of disadvantaged. According to the previous retrieved documentation, it indicated that the health insurance merit is received by the public with regard to the achievement of universal coverage, helping the disadvantaged, and benefit to those high-risk groups of people whom are available to register health care without financial problems. Especially, a positive response revealed by the survey indicated that over 70% of people are satisfied with the service of NHI application. Related research discovered that the public’s attitude toward the insurance burden differs from the social insurance nature. Consequently, this research is to probe into the public’s the social solidarity attitude and the influential factors on the insurance burden of the disadvantaged, and the relevance of the public’s evaluation on health insurance. From this retrieval of survey, it is found that the elder has a better social solidarity attitude than the youth. The public’s health insurance satisfaction is connected to the system beneficial factor, such as insurance beneficial experience, intensive need of medical treatment. In terms, the public who approve the joint burden of sharing duties with the disadvantaged has higher satisfaction with NHI. The result coincides with the expectation of this research. Therefore, a tense social insurance system conscience education project is proposed to the competent authority, and also through adopting health insurance beneficial experience promotion as a manner to advance the positive evaluation for NHI is strongly suggested.


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