  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer Behavior of B & B in Tao-Mi Village

指導教授 : 鄭健雄


自從政府於民國 90 年實施週休二日以來,國人花費更多時間於旅遊。因住宿旅遊需求的成長,而帶動旅遊住宿市場,觀光業者看好此一市場的前景,故各類型之住宿供給不斷增加。然而,民宿業者是否能確實瞭解遊客的住宿需求,提供相對應符合遊客需求之服務,是有效經營民宿的必要條件。本研究係針對不同消費行為遊客之組成及其遊客本身各項特性探討,以作為業者在經營上之參考議題。消費者消費行為的特性和形成,會受到文化因素、社會因素、個人因素、心理因素的影響(Kotler, 1997),從不同層面的影響因素去探討消費行為,有助於消費者行為的瞭解。本研究之主要目的在瞭解桃米民宿村的消費者從事活動時的消費行為(資訊來源、參與成員、住宿費用等),並進一步區隔不同特性之民宿消費者,探討不同特性的消費者對民宿的喜好與需求,以提供民宿經營者在經營時的方向,並給予日後民宿市場發展之參考依據。將有效樣本進行因素分析,由34 個題項抽取出五個旅遊生活型態構面,分別為個人發展者、家庭旅遊者、週末旅遊者、社交聯誼者、享受生活者。另外,在信度檢定方面,以Cronbach’s α係數來了解測量工具的內部、一致性;亦得到各個隱性變項都具有不錯的內部一致性。在消費行為上,大多數的消費者最常與「親朋好友」、「家人」一同出遊。在獲得民宿的資訊上,「網路資訊」是消費者普遍所選擇的。本研究進一步以旅遊生活型態做為市場區隔,將民宿旅遊市場區隔為「個人發展族群」、「週末聯誼族群」及「享樂家庭族群」等三個集群。最後針對三個相異特性的消費族群做定位策略、促銷策略及定價策略上的建議,並進一步對目前廣大的民宿市場做產品定位、價格制定、行銷通路與促銷方案之整體面建議。


Since year 2000 the government has implemented the two days off weekend, our citizens spend more time to traveling. Many tourism businesses take it as a good opportunity and intend to increase the supply of lodging facilities. Therefore, for tourism businesses, it is necessary to fully understand the natures of lodgings choices. So the issues, such as visitor segments and variations among different types of lodging facilities, are important to sustain in the market. The factors that influence consumer behavior are culture, social, personal and psychology. The major purposes of this research are to observe the characteristics of B & B in Tao-Mi village consumers (including information source, participants and the expenditures, etc.). This research will further categorize different consumption patterns by consumers of different styles, more than that, it will also investigate the preferences and needs of the consumers. The result of this research can serve as a guideline for the management of Pension, as well as a reference for the future development in this business. We obtained 5 travel lifestyle dimensions (Individual, Homebody, Weekend, Social, High Class) from a set of 34 items by factor analysis. The test of reliability of latent variable shows good internal consistent. Most of them travel with friends, relatives and family members. In terms of resources of information, Internet is the most often referred to material, it was followed by the information from friends and internet information. This research further is used as the market compartment with travel lifestyle, B&B in traveling market categorize different patterns by three groups, such as" personal development ","the weekend communication " and" seek pleasant the family "...etc. The last part of this research attempts to offer suggestions on marketing, as well as promotional strategies geared at these four different types of consumers. It also examines and comments on the present situation, price, marketing and promotional strategies.


B & B travel lifestyle consumer behavior


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