  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Peers-Taking on Leisure Activities for Junior High School Students in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究主旨在探討同儕關係與休閒活動影響之研究,並探究變項間的作用力關係,從事休閒活動的主要動機、考慮因素,和從事休閒活動的訊息來源。以台灣中部六所公私立國中之12-15 歲國中生為取樣對象,總共發出670 份問卷,有效問卷629 份。研究結果如下: 1、在休閒概況方面,中部地區國中生最常從事之休閒活動為:玩電腦、看電視、聽廣播、球類運動、閱讀書報雜誌等五項,而若無外在因素國中生最希望從事之休閒活動為:看電影、聽演唱會、郊遊旅行、野餐露營、逛街或百貨公司等五項。 2、中部地區國中生從事休閒活動最主要動機以獲得滿足所佔比率最高,可見國中生對於他們目前生活滿意度不高,而須由休閒活動中獲得滿足與肯定。 3.中部地區國中生從事休閒活動最主要考慮因素以時間、同伴加入與否和金錢所佔比率最高,可見國中生的休閒時間有普遍性的運用困難;同伴的加入與否會影響他們從事休閒運動的決定;無經濟主控權的國中生會因金錢的多寡,而選擇可從事的休閒活動。 4、中部國中生從事休閒活動之主要訊息來源,大多來自朋友同學和電視廣播媒體,可見國中生非常重視同儕之間的意見,而資訊的發達,讓國中生可輕易的從電視廣播媒體得知想要的休閒活動訊息。


This research mainly aims at probing into the relation of the same generation leisure activity influence, and probe into the interaction among variations and is engaged in the mainspring , consideration of the leisure activity, with engaged in the information source that lies fallow and moves about. With Taiwan 12-15 years old for target of taking a sample from junior high school students for six public and private junior high middle schoosl, send out 670 questionnaires , effective 629 shares of questionnaire altogether. The result of study is as follows: 1, In leisure overview, the recreation activity that the junior high school students in the middle area are most often engaged in is: playing computers , watching TV , listening to broadcast , ball game , reading the books , newspapers and magazines ,etc., if there is not external factors, the leisure activities that they most hope to engage in are : seeing the films , hearing concerts , outing picnicking, camping , going shopping or going to the department store etc.. 2, The junior high school students in the middle area are engaged in mainspring the most of leisure activity in order to be satisfied the rates accounted for highest, it is obvious that the junior high school students live to them at present satisfaction is not high ,they have to be satisfied and definite form the leisure activity. 3.The junior high school students in the middle area engaged in leisure activity main consideration put with time , companion into or not and money account for rate most high, it is obvious that the application with universality of the junior high school students’ leisure time is difficult; Whether the companion's joining will influence them to be engaged in the decision of the outdoor activity or not; they without the economic initiative will choose the leisure activity that can be engaged in because of the amount of the money school student of the. 4, The junior high school students in the middle area are engaged in the main information source of the leisure activity from friends, classmates and television broadcasting media , the suggestion that it is obvious that the junior high school students pay more attention to opinions of the same generation, and with the development of information, junior high school students can learn leisure activity message easily from television broadcasting media .


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