  • 學位論文


The Relationships of Work Values on Work Attitude between Taiwanese and Chinese

指導教授 : 陳世良


囿因於整體環境改變等緣由,使得兩岸工作者之價值觀與工作態度不同以往,價值觀的轉變使得員工對企業的忠誠度降低。故充分瞭解與掌握兩岸員工之工作價值與工作態度之關聯,以留住人才並加以培育,是企業人力資源部門之首要工作之一。 研究採問卷調查法,以某在台灣與大陸地區均有分支機構之台資電子企業員工為研究對象,以SPSS 統計軟體進行分析,結果如下: 一、 兩岸員工在工作價值觀與工作態度上有差異:台灣員工的工作價值觀高於大陸員工,再比較重視內涵發現,大陸員工在實質保障方面的重視程度明顯高於台灣員工;工作投入方面,台灣員工高於大陸員工,另台灣員工除了比大陸員工更重視個人的工作表現及責任感,對工作以外生活的重視程度亦高於大陸員工;組織承諾方面,台灣員工明顯高於大陸員工,內涵之重視順序比較,台灣員工最重視之題項屬中等強度的忠誠關係,大陸員工重視的內涵則屬較低強度的關係。 二、 員工的工作價值觀會影響其工作態度:台灣員工愈重視工作價值觀者,組織承諾的程度也就愈高;大陸員工愈重視工作價值觀者,其工作投入、組織承諾的程度均較高。 三、 兩岸員工的個人屬性差異對工作價值觀與工作態度有影響:台灣方面,性別、年齡、學歷、年資與職務等個人屬性會影響員工的工作價值觀與工作態度;大陸方面,性別、年齡、學歷、職務等個人屬性會影響員工的工作價值觀與工作態度,顯示出兩岸不同屬性的員工在工作價值觀與工作投入、組織承諾上之影響有差異。


Due to the factors of entire environment change, work value and work attitude between Taiwanese and Chinese are different as before. The change of work value is decreased the loyalty of enterprise for employees. Therefore, it’s one of the key theme that understand sufficiently and handle the relationship of work value and work attitude of employees between Taiwan and Mainland China in order to remain In this research, we investigate by questionnaire for enterprises, which are invested by Taiwan and located in Taiwan and Mainland China, and analyze by SPSS statistical software. The research concludes as follows: 1. There is a difference for work value and work attitude between Taiwanese and Chinese. The work value of Taiwanese is higher than Chinese. Chinese pay more attention to the “essential indemnification” rather than Taiwanese.Taiwanese is higher than Chinese for job input. In addition, Taiwanese pay more attention to job representation, job responsibility and life beyond the job than Chinese. In organizational commitment, Taiwanese is higher than Chinese.Taiwanese focus on the loyalty relationship of middle level, and Chinese concentrate on the loyalty relationship of lower level. 2. Work value of employees will affect their work attitude. The higher the attention of work value, the higher the level of organizational commitment for Taiwanese. The higher the attention of work value, the higher the levels of job input and organizational commitment for Chinese. 3. The difference of personal attribute will affect work value and work attitude for both Taiwanese and Chinese. Gender, age, education, seniority and job position will affect work value and work attitude for Taiwanese. The personal attitude of gender, age, education and job position will affect work value and work attitude for Chinese. It concludes that the different personal attributes will have different impact to work value, job input and organizational commitment for Taiwanese and Chinese.


吳明隆,2003,SPSS 統計應用學習實務,台北:知城數位科技股份有限公司。
陳清廉,2006,組織文化、領導型態對工作態度關係研究-以T 電子公司為例,亞洲大學國際企業研究所未發表之碩士論文。


