  • 學位論文


The Entrepreneurial Model and Entry Strategy of Entrepreneur in Hotel Industry

指導教授 : 鄭健雄


飯店業的蓬勃發展來自於企業家的踴躍投資參與,每家飯店的背後總有一位企業家的苦心經營。飯店業的創業家原來從事何種行業,爲何會選擇投入飯店業,這些創業家進入飯店業的進入策略為何,什麼因素吸引創業家持續投入擴展投資飯店事業,這些問題是本研究欲探索的問題。本研究選擇紮根理論作為研究方法,以11位飯店業創業家作為主要研究對象,並透過深度訪談與次級資料取得研究資料。 研究結果發現,創業家在進入飯店業前,多從事傳統製造業、建築業、營造業,建築業、營造業者較能掌握飯店興建硬體工程與土地取得,因此投入飯店業之進入門檻較低。其次,創業家進入飯店業的市場進入策略,將影響其經營飯店之策略,研究發現由企業轉投資之飯店事業,傾向聘請專業管理人或管理顧問公司經營。而接管家族企業、自行創業或受聘擔任經理人的創業家,傾向自己主導經營管理權,從學習中獲得管理飯店之實務經驗。本研究同時發現,創業家認為飯店業成本高、回收緩慢,是一個相當辛苦且微利的行業。但是創業家也從飯店業得到友誼、顧客與同業肯定、服務的快樂及公司形象提升、人際網絡建立,相對也促使母公司或所投資相關企業得到有形無形的助益與收穫,這些有形無形的利益也使得創業家們願意持續地耕耘飯店業,將飯店業當做一生的事業。


The flourishing development of the hotel industry comes from entrepreneur's investment and participation. There is an entrepreneur's painstaking management behind each hotel. What do entrepreneurs of hotel industry do originally? Why do they decide to enter the hotel industry? What are their strategies to enter the hotel industry? What are the factors attracting entrepreneurs to continue with hotel business expansion? All of the above questions are wanted to explore in this research. This research use grounded theory as the research approach and invite 11 entrepreneurs as the research object. This study finds three conclusions. First, before entry into the hotel industry, most entrepreneurs engaged in traditional manufacturing, building or construction industry. Dealers in building or construction industry can control hotel construction and acquisition of land more favorably. Therefore, they can also entry the hotel industry with lower barriers. Secondly, the market entry model will affect the management strategy in hotel industry. Lastly, this research finds that entrepreneurs think hotel industry is a high cost, low profit and painstaking business. On the other hand, entrepreneurs obtain much invisible harvest from the hotel business, such as friendship, praise from customers and the same trade, happiness of service, advance of corporate Image, personal networking, etc. Relatively, the parent company or affiliated business can obtain tangible and invisible profit. Those invisible benefits above let entrepreneurs to be willing to devote themselves to the hotel industry and regard the hotel industry as the undertaking in all their life.


