  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Service Quality and Customer Loyalty for Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳天方


本研究旨在探討金融控股公司服務品質與顧客忠誠度之間的關係,並謀提昇顧客服務品質之經營策略。台灣於1990年起核准多家新設商業銀行設立,由於市場規模有限,新銀行雨後春筍般的設立,造成金融業出現過度競爭的現象。為因應此競爭,金融業紛紛祭出價格的競爭策略,嚴重影響銀行承受風險的能力,也侵蝕了金融業的獲利。金融機構為了提升競爭力紛紛採取合併的策略,孕育出「金融控股公司法(2001)」,依該法可分別經營證券、保險與銀行等業務,對於金融產品的創新,提供了有利的環境。金融控股公司在面臨多數以商品相同的競爭下,必須依靠加強服務品質吸引消費者並滿足其需求,以確保金融業者擁有更多的忠誠顧客提昇同業間競爭力與獲利的整體能力。 本研究採用學者Parasuraman et al.提出之服務品質評量模式,透過專家訪談之檢測做為本研究蒐集研究資料之工具,瞭解消費者接觸金融控股公司所提供的服務品質與滿意認知之比較,探討兩者間之差距,並強化顧客對企業的認同,藉以爭取更多忠誠顧客。依據獲准設立14家金融控股公司取其營收前七名之公司,針對該公司銀行、證券、保險三部門之消費者各取40份,共120份,七家取樣回收共840份,問卷經統計分析後,發現消費者期望水準與實際感受水準有顯著差異,針對研究發現做成研究結論與建議,研究結果將提供金融控股公司作為改善服務品質、提昇顧客忠誠度及學校培育人才之參考。


The purpose of this paper is to identify the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty in a financial holding company (FHC). Since many commercial banks were launched in 1990 under the removal of limitation in new commercial bank establishment, the financial market appears to be highly competitive due to finite market demand. In order to survive severe competition, finance companies applied low price strategies at the risk of profit erosion. In consequence, Acquisition & Merger has been carried out to obtain competitive advantages. “FHC Act (2001)” was enacted to comply with ever-changing market. Under this act, a FHC is able to trade in securities, insurances, banking…etc. The characteristic of FHC will provide favorable environment for financial innovation. Improving service quality and satisfying customer needs are necessary for FHC while facing keen competition on providing homogeneous services. Consequently, profit and core competence are generated from loyal customers. Based on SERVQUAL, an instrument designed by the marketing research team of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, this research developed it a more suitable tool for FHC through personal interview. The SERQUAL instrument helps FHCs understand the gap between customers' expectation for excellence and their perception of actual service delivered. 840 questionnaires are gathered from top 7 profit-making FHCs among 14 licensed FHCs. Significant difference between customers' expectation for excellence and their perception of actual service delivered was calculated from analyzing questionnaires. Based on research findings, conclusions and suggestions are proposed for FHC’s reference in improving service quality, strengthening customer’s loyalty and educating human resources. This paper probes into the gap between service quality offered and customer cognition of the services through expert interviews and SERVQUAL examination. From 120 questionnaires retrieved, it was found that indeed there is a significant gap between service expectation and service experience. The result of this paper will offer the FHCs references for service quality improving, and provide education institute with guiding principles of business education.


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