  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Core Competencies and Co-opetition of Concatenate Children’s English Supplementary Education Institutions in Taichung City

指導教授 : 吳天方


本研究旨在了解台中市連鎖兒童英語補教機構核心能力與競合策略之關係。研究者訪談五家不同連鎖體系之兒童英語補教機構,以了解目前連鎖兒童英語補教市場之經營現況,並做為發展問卷之依據。問卷完成後,邀請五位學者專家針對內容提供修正建議,並實施預試,以確認問卷之信度與效度。正式問卷包括「連鎖兒童英語補教機構之核心能力」、「連鎖兒童英語補教機構之競合策略」及「連鎖兒童英語補教機構之背景資料」三部分,採取普查方式針對台中市105 家連鎖兒童英語補教機構實施問卷調查。問卷回收後運用因素分析、集群分析,歸納出核心能力與競合策略之類型;採用卡方檢定,探討連鎖兒童英語補救機構之核心能力與競合策略在不同背景資料下是否具有顯著差異,以驗證研究中之相關研究假設,並了解兩者之關係。研究之結論與建議提供連鎖兒童英語補教機構及後續研究之參考。


This research is for the purpose of understanding the relationships between core competencies and co-opetition of concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions in Taichung city. The author has interviewed five concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions for understanding the status of concatenate children’s English supplementary education market as the authority of the questionnaire. After designing the questionnaire, five authorities in this field were invited to offer their suggestions for improvement of the questionnaire. Then actualize prelim to make sure the reliability and availability. The formal questionnaire has three parts, including“the core competencies of concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions”,”the co-opetition of concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions”and”the background of concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions ”, adopting the investigation of questionnaire to all 105 concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions in Taichung city. The collected data was analyzed using factor analysis and cluster analysis to generalize the types of core competencies and co-opetition. Using Chi-squared test to analyze if core competencies and co-opetition has significantly different in defferent background of concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions. To verify those hypotheses in the research and understand the relationships between core competencies and co-opetition. The conclusion and suggestions will be offered to concatenate children’s English supplementary education institutions for further research.


Chicago: Richard D. Irwin.
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