  • 學位論文


The Research for Chain Convenience Store Success Expand Model in Taiwan –New Stores Between 2005~2006 for Example

指導教授 : 李明榮


近年各連鎖業者充分地發揮其便利。根據資料統計目前連鎖便利商店系統之服務將近9000 家據點,全台灣近二十年街頭巷尾充滿連鎖便利商店招牌,如此經濟現象即為台灣另一歷史紀錄。 因便利與滿足消費者之及時需求,各連鎖業者從民國七十年起,如雨後春筍般的積極展店。根據資料顯示目前台灣已為全球連鎖便利商店密度最高之地區,業者在每年皆訂定快速展店之目標,原業界預期民國95 年底五大超商總店數將突破9,000 家店,但根據資料顯示結果為8,797 家店,有相當之差距。本研究調查瞭解現階段台灣便利商店已密度過高,業界產生板塊推擠效應,連帶造成績效不佳之單店,急速關店之情況。 因此,本研究以民國94 到95 年全台灣五大連鎖便利商店業者之新開店及既有店為基礎,進行比較研究,從資料中探討得知新開店特性,由數據得知95年新開店較既有店單店每日營業額差異,單月平均淨利(NI)差異,顯示新開店過於密集競爭激烈,造成營業額及淨利下降。 II 本研究分析發現: 一、銷售成長率趨緩,廠商競爭更加激烈因門市密集分布競爭劇烈,導致單日單店績效有下降趨勢。 二、傳統商圈展店店數趨於保守其因台灣便利商店密度已過高,尤其都會區面對市場逐漸飽和及店面成長率將趨緩之瓶頸。 根據研究提出建議,其一提供特定連鎖便利商店業者作為改善商圈展店品質之依據,或可為其他連鎖便利商店業者作為展店之參考,期能有助於連鎖便利商店競爭力之提高。


For recent years, the chain convenience stores have more service than before ,like fax , reservation service, sale fruit , food , movie ticket , trip ticket, books, CDs ,a pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves and moon cake reservation, etc….. And bank strategic alliance with ATM service make the convenience stores become finance center in the community. The convenience stores are the place every body must to go everyday. The convenience stores like it name are very convenient. A lot of convenience stores in Taiwan is one of economic record. The chain convenience stores have about 9000 stores in service systems. Because it’s very convenient and satisfy the timely require. The chain store dealers have expanded a lot of convenience stores since 1981. Taiwan is the highest density place for convenience stores in the world. The chain store dealers have set the target to expand the convenience stores fast every year. The chain store dealers anticipate the amount stores for big 5 companies could over 9,000, but the number is 8,797, that had a lot of difference .The density of stores in Taiwan is too high, so the bad performance store is shut quickly. IV For the reason, the research is base on chain convenience stores for big 5 companies in Taiwan in 2005 ~ 2006. The thesis research the success models from data and can provide consultation to the chain convenience store dealers.


