  • 學位論文


The Marketing Strategies of Domestic Produced Pork in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 劉欽泉


台灣加入WTO並於畜禽食品全面開放進口後,養豬業所面對的經營環境與過去有很大的不同,因此必須有適當的生產與行銷策略,才能在未來國際競爭的潮流中生存。本文主要先探討台灣加入WTO前後國產及進口豬肉產銷狀況,再分析比較國產與進口豬肉之銷售通路、行銷策略與競爭關係;而後再以問卷調查取得台灣各縣市購買國產豬肉一般消費者,對行銷策略反應的問卷資料,並以敘述性統計分析及單因子變異數分析,驗證不同消費者對肉品行銷策略的認知,並據此研提台灣毛豬產業永續經營的最佳行銷策略。茲將研究結論歸納如下: 一、 目標市場策略是以25~54歲女性,學歷在高中、職,職業以軍公教及服務業,收入在30,000~50,000元收入之消費者或小家庭結構狀況為主。 二、 產品策略是強調豬肉產品之新鮮度為最主要,另外肉攤明顯處或肉品包裝上標示豬肉生產來源及強調豬肉品質油脂適中、甜度、咬感度佳和具有安全、衛生品牌。 三、 價格策略主要是應著重豬各部位肉價格的標示,以方便作價格比較及購買,以防止購買的過程中有豬肉販賣商未反應調整活豬成本,哄抬豬肉價格的情況發生。 四、 通路策略應以傳統零售市場及生鮮超市通路為主,並需加強籌劃國產冷藏(凍)豬肉,以網路接受消費者訂購,亦可以冷鏈宅配方式送達。 五、 促銷策略是以重視肉攤環境的整齊乾淨及販賣肉攤具備有冷藏設備為主要,若再加上販賣業者親切的服務,營造良好的口碑以介紹親朋好友,若再加上適時舉辦品嚐展售會,是為最佳促銷策略。


Since Taiwan joined the WTO and permitted the import of pork animals produ- cts, the business environment of farming was much different from before. There- fore, we must provide proper marketing strategy for the domestic animal products in order to compete against which from other nations in the future. The thesis first discusses the sales of indigenous as well as the exotic pork, and then analyze the difference of indigenous pork and exotic pork. This thesis first discusses the sales of indigenous pork and exotic pork, and then analyze the difference of indigenous pork and exotic pork in the aspects of selling approach, marketing strategy, and competitiveness to get the research direction and subjects. We use questionnaires to collect the data about the response of marketing strategy from the consumers in Taiwan who bought indigenous pork, and then use statistic analysis and 1-Way ANOVA analysis to test consumers perception of meat marketing strategy. An then we investigate the best marketing strategy of running Taiwan’s pork product permanently. The results of the study were as follows: First, the marketing strategy was aimed at female consumers aged from 25 to 54, educational level was at senior high school , and worked in the service industry or in the government, the income was about 30000 to 50000. Second, the main strategy of pork product was aimed at the freshness, besides the origins and the fineness of pork were also mentioned. Third, the price labels of each part of the pork should also be emphasized, which is more convenient for consumers to purchase and compare with the prices. This also prevents merchants from bulling the price of the pork. Fourth, route strategy should be based on traditional markets and supermarkets, and also we have to build up the net which let consumers shopping on-line and the product can be delivered to home. Fifth, the promoting strategy emphasizes at the clean environment of the shambles and the refrigerator facilities. And it would be the best promoting strategy if accompany with decent service and taste-test affairs occasionally.


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