  • 學位論文

旅遊系統透過在地行銷銷售 農特產品意願之研究

The Intention of Tourism Systems to Sell Farm Specialty Products through Local-Marketing Channel in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


本文旨在探討國內旅遊系統透過在地行銷銷售農特產品之意願。為達成 研究目的,應用文獻探討擇定農特產品的項目和產地,作為建構本研究基礎, 以觀光景點、休閒渡假中心、旅館飯店為調查樣本,藉問卷調查方式進行資 料蒐集並作為資料分析依據;以合作關係、付款方式、經營作為、促銷活動、 服務品質及顧客消費等六種因素,探討旅遊系統透過在地行銷銷售農特產品 之期望目標與實際經驗,結果發現:絕大多數已透過在地行銷銷售農特產品 的旅遊系統,因其附加價值願意繼續採取在地行銷,考慮因素則反映出通路 的特性。未來主要行銷規劃強調「加強商品包裝」、「整合行銷通路」、「塑 造產品特色」以及「舉辦促銷活動」。而「整合行銷通路」及「聯合促銷活 動」和「政府輔導」則是目前旅遊系統最迫切需要的協助。根據結構方程模 式之分析結果顯示,「銷售者的期望」、「知覺的績效」與「不一致」會對 「銷售意願」產生正向影響。


The purpose of this research is to inquire the intention of tourism systems to sell farm specialty products through local-marketing channel. To achieve this purpose, the researcher chose the items and areas of them through cultural heritage to construct the foundation, took the scenic spots, leisure vacation centers and hotels or restaurants as samples to collect data for analysis by survey. Take the cooperative relations, the payment method, the management deeds, the advertisement promotes sales, the service quality and the consumption as variables to inquire the expectation in advance and real experience for tourism systems when they sell the farm specialty products through local-marketing channel. The findings of the research are:(1)Most of the tourism systems that have sold the farm specialty products through local-marketing channel will continue to because of the added value.(2) The reasons they considered reveal the characteristics of the channel of the tourism systems.(3)The major marketing programming for the tourism systems in the future emphasize on the strengthening product package, integrating marketing gateways, creating product traits and holding promoting activities.(4)Integrating marketing gateways, holding jointed promoting activities and governmental guidance are the most urgent assistances at present. The results according to the analysis by SEM reveal that ”seller’s expectation ” , ”perceptive result” and “disconfirmation” will influence “intention of selling ”positively.


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