  • 學位論文


A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Fire-fight rescue service in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


由於社會環境的進步,使得民眾對消防安全期許大為提高;因此,消防救災服務工作的品質,嚴重關係著民眾生命財產安全的保障。 本文以國內接受過消防救災服務之民眾為研究對象,採用調適水準理論,以「效率因素」、「績效因素」、「戰力因素」、「據點因素」及「形象因素」等五構面,利用變異數分析等,比較、分析影響不同類型與不同地區消防救災服務顧客滿意度之重要因素,及其與人口統計、社經變數之關係,進而提供消防單位提升顧客滿意度之參考。以下摘述主要發現與結果。 1.火災搶救工作,教育程度越高,滿意度越低,以科技產業較持負面態度。天然災害搶救工作,年齡越低,滿意度越高,以科技及農業較持負面態度。緊急救護工作,獲得民眾較高之滿意度,以農業者較持負面態度。為民服務工作,獲得民眾較高之滿意度,以家庭主婦者、科技產業之滿意程度較高。 2.整體而言,受訪民眾對於消防救災服務之據點認知滿意程度最高,其次依序為形象認知、效率認知、戰力認知及績效認知。 3.效率認知方面,以緊急救護工作滿意程度最高,天災搶救工作最低。績效認知方面,以緊急救護工作滿意程度最高,天災搶救工作最低。戰力認知方面,以緊急救護工作滿意程度最高,天災搶救工作最低。據點認知方面,以為民服務工作滿意程度最高,緊急救護工作最低。形象認知方面,以緊急救護工作滿意程度最高,天災搶救工作最低。 4.火災搶救及天然災害搶救方面,滿意度以工商繁華地區最低。緊急救護方及為民服務方面,滿意度以偏遠離島地區最低。 5.效率認知、績效認知、戰力認知及形象認知方面,均以「政經都會地區」滿意程度最高;據點認知,以「偏遠離島地區」滿意程度最高。效率認知、及形象認知方面以「偏遠離島地區」滿意程度最低;績效認知、戰力認知及據點認知方面,以「工商繁華地區」滿意程度最低。 6.多數災害發生時間以17~22時之夜間居多,夜間發生災害所帶來之人命危害亦最大。因此勤務制度應以勤二休一或勤一休一制為宜,以增加夜間救災人力。 7.災害報案時之指導率甚低,應要求受理報案人員,指導報案之民眾相關第一時間處置之方式,以降低人命傷亡及財物損失。 8.人力不足是民眾共同的問題,除應每年爭取補足員額外,宜加強民力之運用,增加並訓練民間熱心人士投入救災行列,以增加救災人力。 9.消防單位到達現災害場以3至5分鐘之比例佔大部分,消防單位應訓練指揮人員,於到達現場前之3至5分鐘的指揮部署能力。 10.應汲取國外高科技消防救災經驗外,對於高科技場所之聚落,應設置專屬高科技救援消防分隊。 11.應針對偏遠地區之民眾,加強急救訓練及教育,並於偏遠山地部落配置簡易救護器材於特定場所供民眾緊急救護用。


Due to the advance of social environment, the common people have better expectation on fire protection; so, the quality in Fire-fight rescue service is relate the safeguard in the common people of life and property safety. Taking the common people as be Fire-fight rescue service of Taiwan as the targets, this study, with ANOVA, analyzes and discusses factors that have significant impacts on consumer satisfaction with pharmacies, using ‘Efficiency Factor’, ‘Achievement Factor’, ‘Force Factor’, ‘Stronghold Factor’, ‘Image Factor’, according to the Adaptation Level Theory.This study aims to figure out the relations between Fire-fight rescue servicese and population as well as society variables, and thereby, to provide further suggestions to Fire Department professionals for the improvement of customer satisfaction. The findings and conclusion are as follows: 1. Fire rescue work, the higher the education degree is, the lower satisfaction is, the scientific and technological industry of Israel relatively holds a negative attitude. Natural calamity rescue work, the lower the age is, the higher satisfaction is, relatively hold a negative attitude with the science and technology and agriculture. Urgent rescue, get people's higher satisfaction , relatively hold a negative attitude with agriculture person. The services for the people, get people's higher satisfaction, it is relatively high with the satisfaction of the housewife person , scientific and technological industry. 2.The whole but the speech , is interviewed the people and provided disaster relief to fire control the cognitive satisfaction in the stronghold served highest, secondly cognitive for image in order, efficiency is cognitive , fighting capacity is cognitive and the performance is cognitive . 3.The cognitive respect of efficiency, the highest with urgent rescue satisfaction, the natural disaster has the lowest rescue work. The cognitive respect of the performance, the highest with urgent rescue satisfaction, the natural disaster has the lowest rescue work. The cognitive respect of fighting capacity, the highest with urgent rescue satisfaction, the natural disaster has the lowest rescue work. The cognitive respect in the stronghold , thought that the people's services had the highest satisfaction, the urgent rescue was the lowest. The cognitive respect of the image, the highest with urgent rescue satisfaction, the natural disaster has the lowest rescue work. 4.The fire is rescued and natural the calamity and rescue the respect, satisfaction is the lowest with the flourishing areas of industry and commerce. Urgent rescue side and respect of serving the people, satisfaction is the lowest with the remote area of subsidiary island. 5.Efficiency is cognitive , the performance is cognitive , fighting capacity is cognitive and cognitive respect of image, with ' political economy know area ' most high satisfaction; The stronghold is cognitive , it is the highest with the satisfaction of ' the remote area of subsidiary island '. Efficiency is cognitive , and the cognitive respect of image is the lowest with the satisfaction of ' the remote area of subsidiary island '; The performance is cognitive , fighting capacity is cognitive and cognitive respect of stronghold , the lowest with the satisfaction of ' the flourishing areas of industry and commerce '. 6.Time is mostly night of 17- 2 o'clock that most calamities take place, it is endangered biggest that the human life that the calamity brings takes place at night. It is should with stopping one to be or not the hardworking to stop one make in so duty system for should, in order to increasing by manpower not providing disaster relief of night. 7.Calamity report a case guidance rate when very low , should is it is it report a case personnel to accept to demand , instruct way that people correlated with as soon as possible handling that report a case, lose in order to reduce human life injuries and deaths and property. 8.Manpower people common issue, should try person who fill extra every year, should strengthen the application of the financial resources of the people , increase and train the folk warm-heartedness personage to put into the ranks providing disaster relief, in order to increase the manpower providing disaster relief. 9.Unit reaches fire control now the calamity field takes the majority with the proportion of 3 to 5 minutes, unit should train and command personnel fire control, the conductors of 3 to 5 minutes before reaching the scene dispose ability . 10.Should draw it outside the foreign experience providing disaster relief of Hi-Tech fire control , fall to the gathering of the Hi-Tech place , should set up exclusive Hi-Tech and rescue the fire control element . 11.Should direct against the people of the remote area , strengthen first aid training and educate, and it is for use in people's urgent rescue to dispose and give first aid the apparatus simple and easily in the specific place in the remote clan of mountain region .


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