  • 學位論文


A Case Study on The Performance Evaluating of Outsourcing Activities for Local Government

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


政府實施業務委外經營策略以來,已有六個年頭,這六年中各級政府逐漸釋放適於委外經營的業務,並訂定法令規範及契約範本以約束委外經營業務的進行。委外經營的目的在於精簡政府人力,活化民間資源,以創造高效能的公共價值,因此政府某些業務採行委外的措施,不但有助於提升服務品質與效率,亦可增進經濟效益、創造商機與就業機會;然而,實施這些年來,有無達到增進社會效益,提高公共價值的目標,仍有待評估。 本研究以Kaplan and Norton(1996)平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard,簡稱BSC)的理念,以整體性的績效評估,經由財務、顧客、內部流程、學習與成長四大構面的績效評估,選取關鍵衡量指標並找出行動方案,讓全體人員都能了解未來努力的方向,以促進願景與策略的達成,並以BSC的觀念,建構並評估地方政府業務委外經營績效,期使地方政府在有限的資源與人力下,找出更有效率的經營態勢,以創造更高的社會價值。 本研究以文件研究法及問卷調查法為主,問卷進行皮爾森基差檢定相關分析,並以平均數、標準差以及變異數加以分析,以支持評估結果,期待對以後研究者有一些參考價值。


The government impelled outside contracting since 6 years ago. During this 6 years, the government prescribe the contracting regulations and conduct a variety of procurements to manage the contractors。By contracting,it can reduce and reorganize the government human resource,improve the efficiency of the private resource and the public values. The government conduct the contracting out policies not only can improve the quality and efficiency of public services, but also boost the manufacturing productivity and promoted more work opportunity. After implementing the contraction out policy, whether it has accomplished their objectives is needed to evaluate. This research adopts the Balanced Scorecard,was developed by Kaplan and Norton(1996). The balanced scorecard view the organization from four perspectives, including the Learning and Growth Perspective 、the Business Process Perspective 、the Customer Perspective and the Financial Perspective. It builds on some key indicators and enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy, translate them into action. The goal of making measurements is to permit managers to see their company more clearly. Depending upon this BSC measurement, the government contracting out policy can be evaluated. It can help us finding the more efficiency way of business activity. This research method is based on literature records and questionnaire to collect data. It takes the Pearson Correlation Analysis to support the result of this research. The paper research discovery result also provides some recommendation for further discuss topic.




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