  • 學位論文


The organization capacity and competitive strategy analysis of milling machine industry

指導教授 : 劉子琦


本研究主要係採用歷史文獻分析方法、深度訪談、參與觀察、敘說分析來進行研究,首先針對官方各種統計資料、產業政策,以及相關論文、期刊、雜誌等加以閱讀、蒐集、歸納與比對。透過深度訪談,藉由產業界的耆老或資深經理人員的口述歷史,將片段的文獻資料加以連貫。協鴻公司資深經理人、負責人及同業或相關產業負責人等均為深度訪談的對象,對受訪者的口述內容交叉確認。藉由參與觀察研究個案的組織運作、生產流程及內部活動,以瞭解研究個案的實況。並將受訪者個人的親身經驗,經由敘說分析將訪問內容轉換成敘事文本。經由研究分析以瞭解銑床機械產業的特性與發展、廠商在競爭的環境中如何運用競爭策略、其組織能力與競爭策略如何協調運作,及廠商如何運用組織能力與競爭策略來處理經營上的困境及持續發展。 運用Porter的五力分析,探討廠商現有的競爭者、潛在競爭者、與顧客的議價能力、與供應商的議價能力、替代品等;藉由 SWOT分析,以瞭解銑床機械產業的內部優勢和弱勢,以及外部的機會與威脅。在分析中,可以看到研究個案與產業如何面對激烈的競爭,協鴻公司採取的策略為差異化,專營銑床機械生產,不斷提升產品技術層次,並且透過中部地區完整的協力網絡,以專業分工來縮短交貨期及降低生產成本。 從本研究個案中發現到公司組織能力越強,越能發揮整體組織的功效,相對的越能支持公司的競爭策略,則公司的競爭能力越強,對環境的適應能力也越強;廠商為因應外在環境不同時期的轉變,內部組織及競爭策略隨之作適度的調整;保守的財務操作政策反而是度過經濟不景氣的關鍵因素;協鴻公司發展出的網狀式組織使人員調度更為靈活,生產更具彈性,降低人事成本;掌握研發的核心競爭力及技術層次不斷提升方能長期保持競爭優勢;藉由台灣中部地區銑床機械產業群聚及完整的協力網絡,透過專業分工,可以提高整體產業競爭能力;利用產品差異化策略可以避免同業的價格競爭,確保獲利水準。


Historical evidence analysis, in-depth interview, observation in site and narrative analysis are the major methods adopted in this research. It gathered, read, generalized and contrasted the official statistical data, policy of the industry, relevant researches, periodicals and magazines. Through in-depth interview to obtain dictated history from senior managers, principal of She Hong Industrial Co., Ltd., the company we discussed in this research, and other principles of milling machine industry. Consequently, the historical evidence and history of dictation can be linked to make a further confirmation and contrast. We can realize the situation of milling machine industry by observation of the operation of the organization, procedure of manufacture and activity of inward of the industry. Through the narrative analysis, the experience of interviewee can be conversed to a narrative. This research provides the important information of milling machine industry including their character and development, the competitive strategy, organization capacity. Hence, we can realize the industry how to design and perform the strategy to face the more competitive environment and the organization how to operate and support their company to conduce toward success. This research used Five Forces analysis which asserted by Porter to analyze present competitors, potential competitors, ability to negotiate with customers and suppliers, the goods of replacement and use SWOT analysis to discuss the Strength and Weakness of inward and Opportunity and Threat of outward of milling machine industry. We can find She Hong Industrial Co., Ltd. adopted the differential strategy to focus on production the milling machine. They attend to improve the technology and reinforce to build a complete network of cooperative industry in the middle of Taiwan. Then, they can shorten the delivery period and decrease the production cost by specialty and demarcation. We obtain the outcome from this research, that is, organization capacity may lead the organization to improve efficiency and support the competitive strategy to generate the ability to face the competitive environment. In order to temporize the variety of exterior environment, the organization capacity and competitive strategy must be adjusted properly. Meantime, a conservative financial strategy is a master key to help the company to serve the econonic depression. A organization structure of network can lead to own more pliable human resoureces, flexiable manufacture procedure and low life cost . Summarily, acquirement for R&D core competitive capacity and improvement for the technology steadily can maintain competitive advantag for long, a complete network of cooperative industry in the middle of Taiwan and specialty and demarcation can improve the competitive capacity of whole industry, and a differential strategy on productions can avoid the price competition to ensure acquired revenue.


台灣區機器工業同業公會 http://www.tami.org.tw
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