  • 學位論文


A Study on the Key Successul Factors for Mediate Medical Dispute in Middle Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


本研究以2004年中部地區(台中縣、台中市、彰化縣及南投縣)縣市衛生局受理民眾申請醫療糾紛調處案件為主軸,以層級分析法(AHP)進行調處委員、病患(家屬)及醫療院所(醫師)之問卷統計分析。期實證中部地區醫療糾紛調解之重要因素,並解析中部地區醫療糾紛之病患、調解者、醫療院所對醫療糾紛調解之重要因素。 本研究發現: 1、醫療糾紛調處以未進入衛生局調處階段最重要、進入衛生局調處階段以醫病雙方態度最重要、調處不成立後階段以對病患的影響最大。 2、以整體樣本而言,醫療糾紛調處成功最重要的前3大因素分別為:醫療院所(醫師)能對醫療過程解說清楚、病患的傷亡情形及醫療院所能傾聽病患(家屬)陳述。 3、醫療糾紛調處調處委員認為最重要的是醫療院所(醫師)能對醫療過程解說清楚、病患(家屬)認為最重要的是調處者立場要公正、醫療院所(醫師)認為病患的傷亡情形最重要。 4、以各縣市調處委員、病患(家屬)及醫療院所(醫師)綜合之立場而言,台中縣與彰化縣認為病患的傷亡情形最重要、台中市認為醫療院所(醫師)能對醫療過程詳細解說清楚最重要、南投縣以醫療院所(醫師)能傾聽病患(家屬)陳述最重要。


醫療糾紛 調處 分析法 階段 傷亡 家屬 案件 層級分析法


This research takes cases concerning people’s appealing for mediation of medical disputes with the local public health bureaus in central Taiwan (covering Taichung County, Taichung City, Changhua County, and Nantou County) in 2004 as the research theme, with the research methods adopting AHP to conduct the statistical analysis of questionnaire from the mediation committee, patient (family members), and medical institute (physician), in the hope of proving the key factors for mediation of medical disputes in central Taiwan as well as explaining and analyzing the key factors in mediation to patient, mediator, and medical institute involving in medical disputes in this area. Findings of the research indicate: 1. For mediation of medical dispute, it comes as the most important one when the public health bureau does not get involved in the mediation yet; attitude between medical institute and patient during the stage when public health bureau gets involved in the mediation of medical dispute is the most critical factor; it has the most critical affect on patient as it comes in the stage when the mediation is failed. 2. In the context of the entire samples, the top three factors contributed to successful mediation for medical dispute are: medical institute (physician) giving clear explanation of medical care, condition of patient’s casualties, and attitude by medical institute to listen description from patient (family members). 3. What considered the most significant point by mediation committee for medical dispute is that medical institute (physician) can give lucid explanation of medical care, patient (family member) considers mediator’s just and fair stand as the most important, and medical institute (physician) considers patient’s condition of casualties as the most significant. 4. In the respect of comprehensive stand for mediation committee, patient (family member), and medical institute (physician) in each city, research subjects in Taichung County and Changhua County recognize condition of patient’s casualties the most critical, research subjects in Taichung City think it is the most important point that medical institute (physician) can give clear accounts of the entire medical care, while research subjects in Nantou County consider medical institute (physician) being able to listen to description from patient (family member) as the most important.


