  • 學位論文


The Key Success Factor of Promotion in The Cogeneration System

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉


國內汽電共生系統之推廣已多年,於政策面已有週詳之實施辦法,汽電共生系統對減緩電源開發及抑低溫室氣體排放之貢獻,大家都有共識,政府、電業與汽電共生業者均方向一致並全力行銷推廣。惟基於公平原則,綜合電業與汽電共生業者之間為餘電收購費率議題有所爭議,造成汽電共生系統之推廣有減緩跡象。 本研究經由專家深度訪談、文獻探討與整理,彙整出汽電共生系統行銷推廣的決策層級因素,並選用層級分析法(AHP),對汽電共生系統業者、汽電共生協會及汽電共生相關之研究機構、學者與專家等進行問卷訪談,分析影響決策因素的優先次序及權重比例,瞭解汽電共生系統行銷推廣的關鍵成功因素,以提供相關之決策者未來行銷推廣策略與方針。實證結果發現,汽電共生系統之行銷推廣首要優先考量因素為與降低營運成本及提高營運利潤有關之「經濟誘因」;其次為汽電共生系統業者希望有較為優惠之「外售價格」來提高其投資意願;第三為展示政府推廣決心之「政策目標」,以指引相關業者明確之方向;第四為與營運方式有關之「營運性質」;最後為「系統建造」時須考量之因素。由上述構面顯示,整體汽電共生系統推展之主要因素仍維繫在汽電共生系統業者之利益與理念,而其影響之主力因素為經濟誘因及外售價格。當然政府必須訂定明確之政策與目標,以示政府積極的做法。 建議政府應健全「能源管理法」及相關實施辦法,並擴大優惠與獎勵措施,以利汽電共生系統之推展。另建議政府宜參考國外行銷推廣汽電共生系統之訂價方式訂定國內公平且合時宜之餘電收購費率及加強落實能源查核制度,以降低綜合電業與汽電共生系統業者間之爭議。對原本就已使用蒸汽於製程,經由汽電共生系統構建即能大幅提高能源使用效率之產業,建議政府加強溝通與宣導或成立能源服務公司予以輔導,以加速國內汽電共生系統發展之效果。


The cogeneration system had already been promoted in domestic for years, Government, power production industry and cogeneration industry have a common consensus of introducing cogeneration system will relieve the pressure of implanting more electric generator thus reduce the growing of greenhouse gas. Although cogeneration system have a detailed implantation method, but the growth is still retarded by the conflict of “rate for surplus electricity” between general power producer and cogeneration industry. This research aims on finding decision making factor of cogeneration system marketing, analyzing of the factors that influence the decision-making priorities and the ratio of weight and .providing related decision-maker a future marketing strategy and approach. The research method is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The research data is collected by literature review and conducting interviews with questionnaires with Cogeneration industry, Cogeneration Association and the related research institutions, scholars and experts. The research results found that the cogeneration system of marketing considerations as a top priority to reduce operating costs and improved operating profit related to "economic incentives"; followed by the cogeneration industries want to have more concessions on the "sale price" to improve their willingness to invest; for the third show that the Government is determined to promote "policy objectives" in order to clear guidelines related to the industry's direction; for the fourth mode of operation and about the "nature of the operation"; for the final, "the construction of the system" is considered to be factors. By the dimensions of the above shows that the main factor to promote cogeneration system is still tied on cogeneration industries interests and willingness, and the main factors to influence theses are economic incentives and selling prices of electricity. Of course the Government must formulate a clear policy with the objective of the Government to show a positive approach. This research suggested that the Government should improve the "Energy Management Law" and related implementation and expansion of concessions and incentives in order to facilitate the cogeneration system forward. Another suggested that the Government should refer to the way of overseas cogeneration systems marketing promotion and make a fair and applicable domestic rate for surplus electricity and the strengthening of the implementation of energy audit system in order to reduce the dispute between general power producer and cogeneration industry. To the industries that already use of steam in the process, which can significantly improve the energy efficiency by building a cogeneration system, suggest that the Government should strengthen communication and advocacy to build cogeneration system to improve the energy efficiency or set up energy service companies to counseling these industries in order to speed up the domestic cogeneration system development.


6.李孟訓(2007)「我國生物科技產業關鍵成功因素之研究」,東吳經濟商學學報第56期 P27-51。
4. COGEN Europe 2005 CHPs Contribution to Sustainable Energy.
5. Saaty, T. L.(1980), “The Analytic Hierarchy Process, New York”,McGraw-Hill.


