  • 學位論文

有線電視與IPTV 行業之競爭力分析

A Competitiveness Analysis of CATV and IPTV Business

指導教授 : 林新力


長久以來,電視廣播一直藉由有線 無線、衛星廣播進入家庭。但隨著寬頻網路的日益普及、法令的鬆綁,電信業者亦開始加入經營電視的服務,市場競爭愈加劇烈。在台灣,有線電視是最主要的電視服務提供者,而中華電信是最大的電信服務業者,控制用戶端電話迴路,也推出MOD(Multi-media on Demand,多媒體隨選視訊)服務,是最主要的IPTV業者。 面對中華電信MOD的加入戰局,有線電視業者該如何調整自己的策略因應;中華電信MOD如何突破有線電視業者現有的市場寡占,並提高消費者意願﹔本文透過SWOT、五力分析有線電視系統及IPTV業者的競爭力,並提出競爭策略。並以消費者的觀點來看檢視二者。 有線電視系統的特質—頻寬超大、在地化、社區化、普及率高﹔IPTV的特質—個人化、互動性、時間及空間上有彈性。研究發現,以媒體的特質為基礎的服務與產品才是最佳的競爭策略:對有線電視系統業者策略重點是:需加強其在地化、社區化的服務,及機頂盒的推廣,及其背後的商機。對於IPTV業者策略重點是:整合企業資源突破內容困境﹔開發教育平台用戶﹔加強用戶端光纖基礎建設,以便提供未來HDTV服務


Through cable, wireless or satellite, TV broadcasting has been for home service for a long time. With the widely prevailing of broadband service, de-regulation, telecom operators also focus on TV service market. This intensifies the market competetiveness. In Taiwan, the CATV is the main TV service provider. Chunghwa Telecom Company, the biggest telecommunication service provider, dominating the telephone user end access network, is also promoting their MOD (Multimedia on Demand) service. Now, it is the main player in IPTV industry. For CATV system operator, how to adapt their market strategy in face of the challenge from IPTV? For IPTV service provider, how to break the market barriers built by CATV system operator? and how to get consumer’s eyes? In this study, the competitiveness of CATV and IPTV service provider has been reviewed through SWOT analysis, and Michael E. Porter’s 5-force analysis, and some strategies have been proposed. Furthermore, the competitiveness of the two, CATV vs IPTV, has been reviewed from consumer’s view points. CATV system features broadband, localized service, very high market penetration; while IPTV features personalized and interactive services, flexibility on time and environment for viewing. We conclude that the best competitive strategy is providing the product and service based on characteristics of the respective media: For CATV system operators, the key strategies are: localization service, community oriented service/product, the promotion of set-top-box, and those business opportubities associated with such strategies. For IPTV operators, the key strategies are: integrating enterprise resources to break the barriers of content deficiency, attracting subscribers on distance education platform, building user-end optical infrastructure for the HDTV service in the future.


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