  • 學位論文


Competence Indicators Test and Remedial Instruction Developments Based on Bayesian Networks-The Fraction Number Related Indicators of Mathematics in Grade 5

指導教授 : 劉湘川


本研究擬以國小五年級數學領域分數相關能力指標為依據,嘗試採用以目前在許多領域上被廣泛應用,擁有良好的預測及診斷能力的貝氏網路作為分析工具,以探討應用貝氏網路於診斷學生錯誤類型的可行性,同時將子技能納入分析,探討哪些子技能會影響到這些錯誤類型的產生,並發展一套以九年一貫課程五年級數學領域能力指標為基礎的智慧型線上測驗及補救教學系統,讓學生透過網際網路參加測驗並立即得知自己的測驗結果、作答情形以及是否出現錯誤類型的診斷報告,並根據錯誤類型的分布狀況,進行線上適性化補救教學。 根據本研究實驗流程進行及結果分析,主要得到以下兩個結論: ㄧ、電腦化診斷測驗部分 本研究實驗結果證實電腦化診斷測驗系統確實可以達到個別化的功能,有利於後續的補救教學進行。利用電腦施測可省去教師批改試卷所需花費的時間,而且電腦施測可即時回饋測驗結果給學生及教師;對學生來說,即時的測驗結果可以讓學生立刻知道自己的學習缺失;就教師而言,即時的測驗結果回饋可以讓教師更容易掌握學生學習狀況,有助於教師修正或調整教學方法及教學型態。 針對測驗結果的診斷部份,本系統能將相同分數不同錯誤概念的學生,分到不同的適性補救教學組別是傳統測驗無法做到的,是本系統的一大特點與優勢。 二、適性化補救教學部份 利用電腦多媒體對學生的吸引力,給予學生適當的補救教學,功效要比教師傳統式教學來得顯著。就學生而言,適性化的補救教學可以反覆進行,沒有老師責罵或是同儕之間的壓力,且本系統所提供的即時、適性補救教學在傳統課堂上是無法實施的;對教師而言,以往不可能花費時間給予每位學生個別的補救教學,現在透過電腦及網路科技的協助,適性化補救教學已是一項可達成的任務了。


The main idea of the study is to research the Fraction Number related indicators of mathematics in Grade 5 and demonstrate the applicable of students mistaken types based on Bayesian Networks which is a wide used analysis tool. Figuring out which sub-skills can influence the mistaken types. Students take the test through the Learning Educational Program online, which is developed based on the index of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The system can show the subject comprehension and begin to the Learning Educational Program on the basis of the mistaken type distribution. We have conclusions as below. First part: According to the test result from the Learning Educational Program, it can become an assistant to offer individual remedy instructions. It can save time for teachers to correct the paper by taking the examination with the program. By taking the examination, students can understand their weakness. And teachers can adjust teaching for each student who has different aptitude. One of system advantages is to design the remedy instructions based on the test result, which is unavailable by traditional paper test. Second part: Giving suitable remedy instructions to students by the computer media program, it is obviously more available than traditional paper test. For students, the program can be repeated without peers’ stress or blame from teachers, it can not be executed in the classroom definitely. Generally speaking, it is unavailable to give individual remedy instructions to each student. For teachers, they can fulfill the task that is to offer suitable remedy instructions through internet and the program.


