  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Multimedia Computer-Assisted On-line Learning and Computer Test of Badminton

指導教授 : 呂克明


隨著寬頻網路在家庭中越來越普及,電腦多媒體線上教學不只可以在學校內實施,就連學生在家都可以透過電腦來進行線上教學,讓學生的學習不會因為時間、時空及距離而中斷學習。本研究以電腦多媒體線上教學來輔助學習,並探討其與一般的傳統教學對羽球的規則及基本動作概念的認知之成效。 本研究受試者是挑選南投市南投國小六年級中的八個班級學生,共270為學生,並隨機將班級分配為前四班採一般傳統式教學,後四班採電腦多媒體線上教學,採用自行研發的「羽球線上教學」系統及「線上測驗」系統,兩組學習者在學習及練習後進行線上測驗,最後針對測驗的結果作分析。本研究根據實驗後分析,獲得以下結論:電腦多媒體線上教學組的學生與一般傳統教學組的學生在羽球教學的學習上有顯著的差異,實施電腦多媒體教學對學生在羽球教學的學習上有明顯幫助,證實本研究線上教學可以有效達到學習結果,提升學習成就,並且有效的節省施測時間及教師評分時間;本研究設計模式可作為教材編製者日後改進的參考。最後,針對教學方面以及進一步的研究提出建議,做為未來進行相關研究之參考。


With the pervasion of computer used and internet commonly accepted by households, the computer assisted multimedia teaching programs, including internet online teaching programs, can be carried out within schools. Also, they offer greater accessibility for students to learn at home. Therefore, the students’ learning can proceed not only in school but also at home. This research based on the concept of computer-assisted online learning program to reinforce students’ learning. The purpose of this research is to compare the efficiency of online learning and traditional learning of badminton’s basic rules and basic strokes. The selective subjects of this research are students of Nantou Elementary School, Nantou County. There are 270 subjects from 8 classes in this research. There are four classes of subjects are randomly assigned to traditional teaching group and the other four classes are computer assisted online teaching group. The two online learning programs, Online Badminton Teaching Program and Online Testing Program, are self-developed. Two groups of subjects are tested by the program after they complete their learning. The result of this research is collected and analyzed. The results of this research are drawn after analysis. There are significant differences between the traditional teaching and computer assisted online teaching. It suggested that online teaching programs can reinforce students’ learning more effectively comparing to those of traditional group learners. Also, online teaching programs are more time economic in test taking for students and test grading for teachers. The model of this research can set up a model for the curriculum developers and can act as reference for the future researchers.


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