  • 學位論文


Implementing an Early Warning System Based on the Patient's Physiological Parameters

指導教授 : 呂克明 林新力


根據內政部統計處資料得知,台灣已慢慢走向人口負成長並邁向高齡化社會的現象至94年10月底止,我國老年人口計220萬人,占總人口之9 .7%'到2030年,預估將會拉升至20%,隨著高齡化社會的來臨及醫療健康保險給付制度的變革,世界各國無不積極推動以居家式、社區式為主的居家健康與照護服務模式。 由於行動通信與網路的日益發達,透過無線網路及網際網路連接至遠端養護所、養老院或看護中心等醫療資源較缺乏之醫療單位,可提供遠距護理站醫護人員M化的行動照護服務,並建置遠距病患病情監視資訊系統來做即時監視病情之模式,可視為醫院病房之延伸,在醫療資源共享下,方便長期照護及養護遠距病患,進而提升醫療作業效率及病患存活率。 本論文將發展一套照護醫療之開放式系統,針對生理參數做分析,並將分析後的結果呈報給醫療照護人員、醫師及家屬做進一步了解,當病患有生命危險威脅時能具備示警與通知醫師之功能。提供醫護專業人員的個人化醫學資訊整合系統,協助提供各種預防、診斷與治療的參考資訊。


According to statistics from ministry of interior affair, Taiwan has already moved towards negative population growth phenomenon and marched toward aging Society by the end of October of 1994. By 2030, the aging population is estimated to rise to 20% of the whole population. With aging society arrival and medical health insurance mode of system changing, countries all over the world are actively promoting community care and home care and other mode of service to increase the effectiveness and quality of medical care. Because the wireless communication network technology is advancing day by day, certain medical resources for maintaining the senior patients at home or nursing centre etc. can be provided through the wireless network and internet network link,as an extension of hospital ward. This thesis will develop a early warning system based on the patients physiological parameters也at will analyze patient's physiological parameter, and report to doctor and patient's relatives the results for processing further. The system can send warning message and notify the doctor when the patient has life threatening situation in physiological parameters. It also offer doctors and nurses certain patient's medical, diagnostic and therapeutical reference information.


1 .內政部,九十四年第四十九週內政統計通報(94年10月底老人長期照護、養護及安春機構概況),台北:內政部,http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/main_1.asp?id = 1931
2 .謝明瑞,台灣人口老化的省思,財金評論,第92卷,第103 期,2003。
3 .李選、張婷,高齡化社會宣告來臨----人民準備好了嗎。中山醫學大學護理學系季刊,2002。
