  • 學位論文


A Study of Distribution of Domestic Travelers and Their Satisfaction Analysis

指導教授 : 呂克明


近年來資訊科技發達以及資料流通迅速,今日無論是製造業者或服務業者所面臨嚴重的問題是:大量而複雜的資料之間存在多重複雜的關係,以及限制條件的互相牽制。 如何解讀和了解這些資料,並使其成為有用的資訊,已成為企業保留競爭能力以及對市場變化保持敏捷回應的利器。 隨著國人對於週休二日旅遊的重視,各風景點將成為休憩的好去處。然而旅遊網站固然可以找尋很豐富的旅遊資訊,但其隱藏的資訊無法容易得知。 因此,本研究提供一套量身訂作之套裝軟體。其架構藍圖配合使用問卷調查的方法,運用統計分析軟體處理,最後以視覺化的方法呈現。本研究運用上述的方法,達成快速找尋並獲得最有用的資訊。


問卷調查 視覺化


Recently years, the information technologies are widely developed and the data flows are quickly transmitted. Nevertheless, for modern manufacturing or service providers, there exists a serious problem: a great deal of complex data that have the multiple, complicated relationships and the constraints of holding among each others. To analyze and to understand these data and furthermore to obtain the effective information becomes a niche that reserves the competition capability of the enterprises and maintains their responses of the quickly market change. As our compatriots pay attention to the traveling of the week rests on second, every scenic spot will become a destination that have a good rest. By surfing websites, travelers would be sure to search for the abundant travel information. However, some hidden information that impacts to travelers would not likely be obtained. Therefore, this research is to provide a set of custom designed software programs. The road maps of these software structures incorporate with the questionnaire method, utilize the statistical analysis software package, and then employ the software of the visualized appearance. Finally, by using these methods, the research concludes to quickly obtain the most useful information.


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