  • 學位論文


The study for the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors among the elderly in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何清松


根據台灣行政院衛生署國民健康局2007年調查,十八歲以上民眾,代謝症候群患者約有289萬人,2008年底,65歲以上老年人口已超過總人口比率的10.4%(約240萬人左右)。本研究以中央研究院「台灣地區老人營養健康狀況調查1999-2000」之資料庫,採分層隨機集束取樣法。代謝症候群的診斷定義根據行政院衛生署於2006年公告之代謝症候群診斷標準,藉此探討台灣地區老年人代謝症候群的盛行率,以及人口學因子與飲食型態頻率之關係。 研究結果估算代謝症候群盛行率為40%,女性的代謝症候群盛行率(50.2%)高於男性(30.3%),65-69歲的代謝症候群盛行率最高(43.8%),80歲以上的年齡層則顯著下降(22.1%);以卡方檢定發現與代謝症候群有統計上顯著差異之相關因子除了性別與年齡外,還包括婚姻狀況、個人月收入、喝酒習慣、抽菸習慣以及是否吃素等。 飲食型態及頻率共分析十六類,以卡方檢定後發現有統計上的顯著差異共計四類,包括家禽類、半肥肉類、全脂奶以及低脂奶。以邏輯斯迴歸分析後發現,65歲以上老年人每月吃家禽類的頻率愈低,有代謝症候群的勝算愈高(OR=1.37),且達統計上的顯著差異 (P<0.05);而食用半肥肉及每月喝全脂奶或低脂奶的頻率兩者與代謝症候群未達統計上的相關意義,可能與本研究中老年人乳製品攝取頻率每周不到一次者高達六成有關。 台灣地區是老年慢性高危險地區,因此更應重視代謝症候群之篩檢工作。只有針對代謝症候群診斷標準之檢驗異常項目加以預防,才能更進一步防範老年人口各類慢性疾病與多重疾病的發生。 關鍵字:代謝症候群、老人營養健康狀況調查


Metabolic syndrome has become a significant factor related to cardiovascular disease. According to the investigation of the Department of Health in 2007, there are 2890 thousand people who aged 18 or above with the metabolic syndrome. The aims of the study are to analyze the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome of the elder and the related factors in Taiwan. We used the data from the Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) conducted during 1999-2000. The definition of Metabolic syndrome was drawn from the criteria which announced by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan in 2006. The SPSS software version 12 was employed for the descriptive and inference statistical analysis. The results found that the prevalence rate of the metabolic syndrome in Taiwan elders is 40.0%, the figure is 50.2% in female and 30.3% in male, the people who aged 65 to 69 have the highest rate of 43.8% and the lowest rate (22.1%) was found in the elder who aged over 80, the difference of the prevalence rate between the different sex and age groups both reached the significant difference(P <0.05). We also found that the people who married, lower income ,vegetarian and alcohol drinkers have higher prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome. Besides the above factors, the result of the logistic regression found that the people who ate poultry less than 5 times a month had the higher tendency to have the metabolic syndrome than the people who ate poultry more than 5 times a month, the OR is 1.37 (P<0.05). The health authorities should design the effective intervention program for controlling the risk factors related to metabolic syndrome and avoid the onset of the related chronic diseases. Keywords : metabolic syndrome, elder, NAHSIT


metabolic syndrome, elder, NAHSIT,


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