  • 學位論文


From the Market Point of View to Explore the Demand for Nanto Region Post-natal Care

指導教授 : 王炳龍


「坐月子」是中國婦女特有現象,隨著國人生活型態的改變,新興起坐月子中心的行業,目前政府將它合法化稱呼“產後護理機構”在多樣市場競爭下南投地區是否能推出產後護理機構之行業。 目的:瞭解本地區孕婦的健康需求,以掌握施行營運策略意向。 方法:問卷內容架構係依據Andersen 醫療服務需求模式採用問卷調查,自98年2月14日到3月21日,以南投地區之孕、產婦為對象。發問卷250份實得有效問卷計215份回收率是86%。用SPSS統計軟體做描述及多元迴歸統計學分析。 結果:描述性分析中產婦們最重視者分別是:對住宿房間設備要求佔93.5%。收費價格合理佔91.2%。婦產,兒科醫師巡診佔90.7%。對隱密性,保障隱私佔90.2%。交通方便佔88.8%。今以醫療服務需求之前四名的變數作為迴歸之依變數,統計出產婦們心目中注重的明顯相關性有以下多項:費用、婦產,兒科醫師巡診、護理人員照護服務、嬰兒預防注射、提供藥用擦澡液、輔具的供應及教導使用、讓產婦能免除獨自在家的孤單感,沒支援的無力感,及不遵從不能看書的傳統習俗。 結論:昔日認為代表坐月子之象徵麻油雞雞酒的藥膳重要性已退居次要地位,對需要醫療服務時還是以西醫式提供對產婦的服務照顧為主包含:婦產,兒科醫師巡診、 護理人員照護服務、中醫服務諮詢,經分析得產婦們對住宿時房間裡配備為最重視(佔93.5%)也表示產婦遵循傳統待在房間不外出,在傳統的遵循上,產婦有漸漸依科學醫藥知識判斷是否遵循的變通傾向,例如對於產後不看書閱讀之禁忌,多半不予遵循,但是產後不洗頭不洗澡的禁忌,則選擇以新時代科技產品如要用擦澡液等物品,達到折衷的遵循效果。因此,本研究結古對醫療機構是否提供產後護理之家服務,具有實質之參考價值。


" TsoYueh-tzu " is a phenomenon specific to Chinese women, with people’s lifestyle changes,The new confinement center of the industry, the current government will legally call it "post-natal care institution" under the market competition in the various regions of Nantou for the introduction of the post-natal care industry. The Purpose Understanding of the health needs of pregnant women in order to grasp the operation of an effective strategy. The methods The framework is based on the contents of the Andersen model of health services questionnaires survey. Form Feb 14 to March 21 in the year 2009,sirvery for pregnancy vomen in the Nantou ,Taiwan, 250 questionnaires were issued and a total of 215 valid questionnaires, 86% rate,were returned.The 215 aalid Questionnaire were use by SPSS to make descriptive and multiple regression in the statistical analysis of signigicant correlation. The results Descriptive analysis of maternal attention to those who need the most are the requirements for residential room equipment accounted for 93.5%. Fees and charges reasonable prices accounted for 91.2%. Maternity, pediatric clinics accounted for 90.7% of physicians. Of secrecy to protect the privacy of 90.2%. Transport, accounting for 88.8%. Again the demand for medical services of the top four of the variables as the regression variables according to the Census and Statistics are the eyes focused on the maternal relationship are obvious: In addition to the four outside, as well as the cost of a day, maternity, pediatric physician clinics, nursing staff care services, infant vaccination, take a sponge bath to provide medicinal fluid, the supply of assistive devices and taught to use, so that mothers can be lonely at home alone from a sense of powerlessness did not support and can not read non-compliance with customs and traditions. The conclusion TsoYueh-tzu of the past on behalf of a symbol of that “Sesame oil chicken with wine” has been relegated to secondary importance (73%), when in need of medical services provided by Western-style service to take care of the maternal-oriented (maternity, pediatric physician clinics accounted for 90.7%) (nursing care services accounted for 88.8%) (to be accounted for 63.7 percent of Chinese medicine services), by analysis of the stay when the room is equipped with the most attention to (or 93.5%) also said that follow the tradition of women do not go out to stay in the room, along the same lines as in the traditional, maternal medicine has gradually in accordance with scientific knowledge to determine whether modifications to the tendency to follow, for example, do not read books for the reading of post-partum taboos, most of them not to follow.Rather to use the new products of science and technology than to not wash hair and not take bath after childbirth.Such as medicinal liquid items,or take a sponge bath to follow the effect of a compromise.


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