  • 學位論文


Discuss the Price and the Function of Alternative Factors under the Moderator variable of the Product knowledge

指導教授 : 李培齊


自從華碩推出Eee PC以來,相關產品一窩蜂的跟著上市,且低價筆電的盛行,在這不景氣的時代中,確實闖出一片好成績出來。 因此,本研究針對低價筆電的消費者,嘗試達成下列研究目的: 一、針對超低價筆記型電腦消費者,探討消費者對「產品價格」的重視程度。二、針對超低價筆記型電腦消費者,探討消費者對「產品功能」的重視程度。三、探討在不同的「價格知覺」與「價格敏感度」情形下,消費者面對產品時,針對「產品價格」與「產品功能」的重視程度,是否會受到消費者的「產品知識」所干擾。 四、對廠商在訂定價格及提供產品功能之間提出建議,以提高低價電腦產品在市場上之接受度。 在236份有效問卷中進行二因子變異數分析,以價格知覺做自變數,產品知識為干擾變數,功能為依變數;以價格敏感度做自變數,產品知識為干擾變數,功能為依變數,得到研究結果發現:消費者的價格知覺高低,在價格與功能之間選擇時,確實受到產品知識所干擾。消費者的價格敏感度高低,在價格與功能之間選擇時,也會受到產品知識所干擾。


A Since the ASUS present the Eee PC to the market, the related products listed on the swarm following to the market, and the low price notebook prevail over the whole world in this era of recession, certainty has good results in this era. Therefore, this study in the light of low price notebook for consumers to try to achieve the following research purposes: First, explore the consumer's "product price" of great importance to the degree of netbook from netbook consumer. Second, explore the consumer's "product features" of great importance to the degree of netbook from netbook consumer. Third, explore the different "price perception" and "price sensitive" cases, consumers face the product, the "product price" and "product features" the importance attached to whether consumers will be the "product knowledge" of the interference. Fourth, provide suggestions to manufacturers for set prices and product function, and to improve netbook computer products in the market's acceptance. In the 236 valid questionnaires were carried out two-way ANOVA , the price perception will be independent variable, product knowledge for the interference of variables, functions will be dependent variables; the price sensitivity will be independent variable, product knowledge for the interference of variables, functions will be dependent variables, and the the results showed: The level of consumer price perception in the options between price and features, there has been interference by product knowledge. The level of consumer price sensitivity in the options between price and features, there has been interference by product knowledge.


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