  • 學位論文


Exploring factors influencing customers’ loyalty: A case study of Indonesian real estate industry

指導教授 : 陳永信


這份論文靈感來自於美國次級抵押貸款危機嚴重損害美國房地產行業,供應過剩的影響下美國財產樓價下跌20 %左右。然而,這在印度尼西亞這樣的發展中國家卻有相反的發展。即使在經濟衰退的陰影下,房地產要求的趨勢仍日漸提升。儘管不動產商的供應無法滿足需求,在印尼購買房地產的意圖卻仍無比強大。這意味著印尼房地產業光明的未來。由於印尼 “JABODETABEK” (雅加達、 德波克 坦格朗、貝克西)是這項研究的重點。因為此地區是印尼人口最多的都會地區,為居住人口最密集的都市地 區排名世界第六,研究此區域至少能突顯印尼主要人口數。研究結果表示出顧客的忠誠度受到七項中要因素影響 : 服務、品質、公平和價值、客戶滿意度、以往的忠誠度,期待的轉換成本和品牌偏好。這是研究數種房地產客戶類型所得到的一致性,來解釋顧客購買房地產行為的影響因素。在這項研究中,作者集中在四項重要因素:價值、關係、滿意度和忠誠度。藉由收集原始數據,並根據以往研究工作的具體理論,這項研究用來探索和測試以往的研究在新興領域,如房地產業,以及像印尼這樣的地區是否能應用。本文旨在探討未來在印尼不動產業,每項上述提及的因素如何影響顧客忠誠度。本研究包括296位受訪者的答覆( 296例)針對上述提及該地區房地產的客戶。分析結果表明,這四項重要因素(價值,關係,滿意度和忠誠度)顯然因性別、年齡( 30-39歲不等)、教育、兒童、居住型態、地點、職業和收入受到影響。回歸分析強調:滿足的價值標準,品牌滿意度,關係滿意度,品牌忠誠度,忠誠價值,忠誠滿意度有緊密關係, 彼此提供了一個重要的成果還支持假說。在分析中只有關係的忠誠度是部分支持;調解效果分析顯示滿意度在忠誠度和品牌忠


This paper is inspired by US’s subprime mortgage crisis that hurts seriously the United States (US) real estate industry, followed by over-supply in property effects the property price in US fell around 20%. However, it develops in the reverse direction in developing country like Indonesia. The trends of demands in property are moving upwards even under the cloud of economic down-term. The intention of purchasing property in Indonesia is still overwhelmingly strong although the demand cannot be met by the offering of real estate suppliers. It implies the bright future of real industry in Indonesia. JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Depok, Tanggerang, and Bekasi) in Indonesia is the focus of this research, since this area is the most populated metropolitan area in Indonesia, ranked as the 6th (sixth) world’s most dense population metropolitan area, study in this area at least will be able mentioned the highlight of Indonesian main population as well. Research outcome indicated that customer’s loyalty is influenced by seven important factors: service, quality, equity and value, customer satisfaction, past loyalty, expected switching cost and brand preference. This is concurred by a study on several types of real estate’s customers to explaining the factors influencing the customer behavior in purchasing real estate product. In this research, author focused to 4 important factors: Value, Relationship, Satisfaction and Loyalty. By collecting primary data and based on specific theories from previous research work, this studies towards to exploring and testing previous research to be applied in a new emerging field such real estate industry and area like Indonesia, the aim of this paper is to explore how every factors mentioned above influencing customer’s loyalty in Indonesian’s real estate industry in the future. Subject of this research is consist of 296 respondents (N=296) targeted to real estate industry’s customers in the area mentioned above. Analytical result suggests that those 4 important factors (Value, Relationship, Satisfaction and Loyalty) significantly impacted by gender, ages (ranged 30-39), Education, Children, Type of residence, Location, Occupation and Earning. Regression analysis emphasizing: Values to Satisfaction, Brand to Satisfaction, Relationship to Satisfaction, Brand to Loyalty, Values to Loyalty, and Satisfaction to Loyalty have a tight relationship each other and providing a significant results furthermore supporting the hypotheses. In the analysis only the relationship to loyalty which is partially supported. The mediating effect analysis shows that Satisfaction has a negative mediating effect to Value-Loyalty and Brand-Loyalty, but positive in Relationship-Loyalty. This condition appears as opposite compared to previous research, it is indicating that respondents (customers) of real estate product in Indonesia influenced by another factors such as: lifestyle and cultures.


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