  • 學位論文


The Development of a Data Searching-Tagging-Mastery Learning with Automated Essay Grading System–the Example of Grade-C Technician of Homepage Design

指導教授 : 陳啟東 陳興忠


技職教育培育了國家經濟發展所需要的基礎技術人力,關係著一個國家的國民生計至深且鉅。為了使技職教育和職場能力相結合,技能檢定和證照制度是十分重要的工作。因此在校生技能檢定,已成為技職教學的重點工作和評估教學成果的指標。教師也有義務輔導學生通過技能檢定,取得相關的證照,使學生畢業後,即具有一定的技術能力,可以立即投入就業市場或在升學考試中有加分的效果。 以高中輔導丙級網頁設計技能檢定為例,檢定輔導依舊採用傳統「同步廣播方式」教學。學習者程度參差不齊,都接受一樣進度,實施一年的檢定輔導課程,才參加檢定取得證照,且術科測試評量採用紙張評審表人工評量方式,耗費時間與成本。本研究在學科方面利用國立交通大學網路學習與應用研究中心知識工程實驗室開發之物件導向式學習活動系統 (OOLA),建置一具適性化有效率之丙級網頁設計技能檢定學科數位學習活動,在術科方面利用資料搜尋及標記技術建置一個有效率可行之丙級網頁設計技能檢定術科自動評量系統,來取代人工(教師或學習者)測試評量,並導入精熟學習教學模式,設計具彈性數位學習活動系統來輔導學生技能檢定。


The technical and vocational education (TVE) cultivates the technology manpower which the economic development needs. To combine the TVE and career ability, technician certification will be an extremely important step of the TVE. The technician certification acquisition not only enhances student’s practical skills, but also improves teachers’ teaching evaluation and teaching effectiveness. Therefore, helping vocational high school students be able to pass skill test and obtain certificate is one of major teaching aims of vocational high school. The traditional teaching model for assisting students to pass official technician certification is time-consuming and has long been criticized for not paying more attention on individual difference. Therefore, to find or establish a more effective e-learning system for the technician certification acquisition is worthy of exploration. The main purpose of this study is to use tagging and online data search techniques to implement an automatic grading system for the skill test. Moreover, Mastery Learning strategy which is the most effective teaching method will be also incorporated into the system.


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