  • 學位論文


Implementation a Reading Comprehension System by Using Tagging Technology —A Case Study of Children’s Books

指導教授 : 陳啟東、陳興忠


大量閱讀是寫作及一切學問的基礎,近年來提昇國內學童的閱讀能力一直是各界關心的議題,學校單位提昇學生閱讀能力的方式,大多是要求學生交閱讀心得報告,以寫心得報告檢核閱讀成效的方式,對年紀小或語文程度不佳的學生,有很大的困難。本研究建置一以標記(Tagging)技術為基礎的閱讀理解能力檢測工具,佐以維高斯基(Vygotsky,1986)的鷹架理論(Scaffolding Theory)為本研究的理論基礎,教師利用此工具作為指導閱讀的資訊輔具,檢核學生閱讀兒童文本之後,對該故事情節的理解程度,測驗時請學生找出系統提問的關鍵詞答案,並標記起來,藉此系統教師得以掌握學生閱讀理解的情況,做為大量閱讀的評估工具。 實驗設計以分享閱讀教學活動搭配線上閱讀理解測驗,資料分析以SPSS統計軟體進行單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA),比較學生前測和後測之數據是否有顯著差異,實驗結果證明標記式的閱讀理解力方式優於選擇題式的閱讀檢測方式,更優於無測驗式的分享閱讀方式。


Extensive reading is the foundation of writing and learning. In recent years, improvement of school children’s reading ability has been an issue of concern in all areas. In schools, students’ reading ability is usually enhanced through writing feedback reports. However, this method of evaluating reading effectiveness is not very easy and effective for younger students or students without a good linguistic ability. In this study, a reading comprehension testing instrument based on tagging technology was developed. The Scaffolding Theory of Vygotsky (1986) was employed as the theoretic foundation of this research. Teachers used the developed instrument as an information aid for reading instructions to evaluate students' comprehension of the storyline of the given children’s books after reading them. During the test, students were required to find keyword answers to questions posed by the system and tag them. Through this system, teachers could get hold of students’ reading comprehension and evaluate their extensive reading. The experiment was designed as a shared book reading activity incorporated with online reading comprehension testing. The experimental data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA on SPSS to find if there was significant difference between the pretest and posttest results. The experimental results indicated that the tag-based reading comprehension method is better than the choice-based method and also the shared book reading with no test.


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