  • 學位論文


Building Adaptive Ubiquitous Learning Environment for Eco-Environmental Education

指導教授 : 廖岳祥


過去學校在進行生態教學時,總是在課堂前規劃好課本內容進行教學,經常造成學生對於實際的動、植物生長生態只能憑空想像,無法讓學生進入實境做更深刻認識。然而,現在學校所進行的生態教學課程,通常都與戶外演示與操作結合,配合戶外教學路線使學習者進一步增加對生態認知。 本研究為了配合內湖生態小學已具備戶外植物生態環境,建置一套無所不在戶外生態教學學習系統,其教學規畫將參考九年一貫生態環境教育配合戶外生態教學內容,引導學習者在自然教學環境中學習並考量個別差異進行適性化教學。本研究以內湖國小三年級學生為研究對象,實驗組學生施以戶外無所不在生態教學系統教學,控制組學生則施以傳統教學方式,並在教學過程中以學習、診斷及評量三步驟來判斷學生學習成效,以瞭解兩組學生之間的學習成效差異。本研究之研究結果分為三類:1.使用行動學習載具搭配無線網路及RFID技術建置行動戶外生態教學系統,設計行動戶外生態教育的教學活動2.評估戶外生態教學系統與傳統生態教學在學習成效上的差異,以及使用教學系統的滿意度3.研究結果顯示戶外生態教學系統能改善與提升傳統生態教學在學習成效上的差異與學習興趣


In traditional eco-environmental education in school, the teachers usually prepare some related materials for teaching before class, and therefore the students can learn the ecological knowledge regarding animals and plants only by their imagination. However, current eco-environmental education courses usually implemented outdoors, hence it can enhance the learners’ awareness about ecological knowledge. In this research, an adaptive ubiquitous learning system for outdoor eco-environmental education is constructed in Nei-Hu Elementary School according to the guidelines of eco-environmental education in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum released by the Ministry of Education. The proposed system can not only guide the learners to learn in the natural learning environment, but also can provide adaptive learning sheets and learning materials to the learners according to their personal learning portfolios. In this research, the third-grade students of Nei-Hu Elementary School are fairly divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. The students of experimental group are taught by outdoor ubiquitous eco-environmental learning system, and the students of control group are taught by traditional instruction. During the learning process, diagnosis and assessment are implemented to determine the differences on the learning performances between those two student groups.


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