  • 學位論文


Relationship between Recreation Involvement and Place Attachment – A Case Study of Bikeways

指導教授 : 陳朝鍵


近年來,經濟蓬勃發展,生活品質改善,所得提高人們自由金錢分配增加,更在2001年實施周休二日,自由時間也隨之增加,休閒遊憩觀光自然受到人們的重視,戶外休閒遊憩活動是紓解壓力、放鬆身心最佳方式,休閒成為人們生活中的一部分,甚至影響工作的行為與態度,然而自行車運動儼然也成為休閒遊憩之一。 本研究以豐東自行車道為實證地點,採用問卷調查法共取得有效樣本441 份。探討自行車騎乘者對於自行車活動的涉入程度,與自行車騎乘者對於自行車道及其相關設施所產生的場所依戀、以及長時間累積而成的場所認同關係。瞭解是否會因涉入程度的不同而有差異。探討遊客與居民以及造訪次數不同之騎乘者在涉入程度與場所依戀之間的差異。最後再使用描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾遜積差等相關統計方法進行分析,共獲得以下之研究結果:一、自行車騎乘者,個人背景與參與特性統計變項之具有顯著差異性。 二、自行車騎乘者之個人背景與參與特性滿意度之遊憩涉入與場所依 戀具有存在之關係。 三、東豐自行車遊憩涉入程度的高低對場所依戀存有顯著正相關。


遊憩涉入 場所依戀


At present, the economy has been undergoing an unprecedented economic boom. This has resulted in improved quality of life, as well as increased earnings and disposable income. In addition, the two-day weekend system implemented in 2001 prolonged the people's spare time. The combined effect of these phenomena resulted in increased attention paid to recreation and tourism-related activities. Thus, recreation has become a major part of people's lives given the impact it has made on their activities and attitudes in work. Currently, it is widely considered that outdoor recreational activities are the best ways toward relaxation and stress relief. Specifically, cycling has also become one of the favorite recreational activities. This study investigates cyclists' involvement in this type of recreational activity, their place attachment in bikeways and relevant facilities, as well as their long-term accumulated place identities. In doing so, this study aims to find out whether or not the differences in the degree of involvement will affect these factors. This study also discusses the differences between the involvement degree and the place attachment of tourists, residents, cyclists with different visiting frequencies. Finally, related statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis and Pearson product-moment correlation, are used for analysis. The Tong-Fon bikeway has been chosen as the empirical site in this study, through which 441 valid samples have been collected through the questionnaire method. The following research results have been attained: I. There are obvious differences among statistical variables of cyclists, personal background, and participation feature. II. There exist relationships between participation satisfaction and cyclists’ personal background, recreational involvement, and place attachment. III. Recreational involvement in the Tong-Fon bikeway has a significant positive relationship with place attachment. Key Words: Recreation Involvement, Place Attachment


陳薇先、邵于玲(2006)。2004 ING台北國際馬拉松參賽者涉入程度、滿意度及再參加意願之研究。北體學報,14期,146-156。


