  • 學位論文


A Robust Watermarking Mechanism on 3D Polygonal Mesh

指導教授 : 陳宏光 張榮吉




As an effective means for either tracing document sources, identification of ownership, embedding trademarks or copyright claims, digital watermarking has been intensively studied for the last two decades. While previous literatures on digital watermarking mechanisms mostly focus on 2D images, videos, sound, and text, relatively few works are on the 3D objects. In this paper, we have proposed a blind and robust watermarking mechanism for 3D polygon meshes based on geometry image. Since the geometry image is essentially stored as a 2D color image, we can apply most watermarking methods on 2D images as well. Through the experiments, we have found that the new blind watermarking approach to be very robust and efficient.


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