  • 學位論文

應用MPCAC 模式於成品油料品質之分析-以台灣中油公司中部地區供油中心為例

Analyzing the Application of MPCAC Model Used for the Quality in the Finished Gasoline:A Case Study of CPC Corporation in Central Taiwan Fuel Department

指導教授 : 許昌賢 林育則


目前台灣地區機動車輛達2100萬台,密度高居世界前茅,空氣品質日益惡化。 油品品質影響空氣污染及車輛性能,加上顧客對產品品質及綠色消費意識日趨高 漲的情況下,致使企業產品在生產過程中製程的良窳,將關係著產品能否在市場 上取得競爭優勢。一般而言,產品通常囊括多項品質特性,生產者在檢驗產品品 質良窳時,因成本、時間或檢驗方式等因素的考量,無法對各項品質特性做全面 性調查,僅能抽取少量的樣本資料來做評估。因此本研究提出適用於95無鉛成品 油的多重製程能力分析圖,針對望大型和望小型與望目型的多項品質特性產品, 評估產品每項品質特性的製程能力是否有達到預訂標準,以提供工程人員改善的 方向評估產品品質的依據。本研究結果顯示,在95無鉛成品油十項品質特性中, 其中密度、蒸餾10%、蒸餾50%、蒸餾90%、蒸餾渣油是屬合格,應繼續保持,而 辛烷值、雷式蒸氣壓、含硫量、含氧量、蒸餾終點量為不合格,需優先改善。透 過多重製程能力分析圖的方法將可迅速獲知各階段產品生產時所遭遇到的問題, 以作為製程管制和改善的重要參考依據。


Taiwan’s 21 million motor vehicles, the highest density of the world, have deteriorated the air quality. Due to the oil quality affecting air pollution also the vehicle performance and customers green awareness, the oil quality has great influence for companies on competitive advantage. Generally, products usually include numbers of quality traits, and most producers in the inspection of product quality can’t have a comprehensive survey because of the cost, time or testing methods. Therefore, this study is aimed to apply a “Multi-Process Capability Analysis Chart (MPCAC)” for 95 unleaded gasoline product, and that can to evolution larger the better (LTB), smaller the better (STB) and nominal the best (NTB) of quality characteristics standard level of manufacturing quality and also for the engineering staff to improve the evaluation ability. The findings of the study showed that among the ten quality traits of 95 unleaded gasoline fuels:density, 10% distillation, 50% distillation , 90% distillation and residue are qualified which should be continued to maintain; octane number, reid vapor pressure, oxygen content, sulfur content and distillation end point quantity are not qualified, and should be improved first. Thus, through the MPCAC Model, companies can promptly expect various kinds of production problems and can improve manufacturing process.


行政院環境保護署(2008),環境保護統計月報,第237 期,
