  • 學位論文


Survey and Risk Assessment of Aflatoxins Contamination in Cncentrated Chinese Medicinal Preparations

指導教授 : 鄧正賢


本研究之目的在於完整建立取樣設計採雙重採樣設計 (Double Sampling Plan),免疫親和管純化及液相層析螢光柱後光化學反應法 (非碘衍生化反應) 檢測中藥濃縮製劑內黃麴毒素 B1、B2、G1 及 G2,檢驗樣品包括單味與複方濃縮製劑,以完成污染背景值分佈,並進行風險評估及研訂限量標準。 前處理純化過程採用 Vicam AflaTest-P 純化管柱。分析黃麴毒素 B1、B2、G1及G2 指標成分時,移動相為 CH3OH/CH 3C N/H2O (19:18:63, v/v),流速為 1.0 m L/min,檢測波長為 365 nm、440 nm,並以光化學反應進行柱後衍生化。利用上述分析技術進行對照標準品黃麴毒素 B1、B2、G1 及 G2 分析,黃麴毒素 B1 在濃度1-35 ng/mL,得線性迴歸方程式 (Y=0.0016X+0.1364) 及相關係數 (r=0.9999) 均顯示良好線性關係。黃麴毒素 B1、B2、G1、G2 同日內及異日間相對標準偏差 0-5% 及 1-5%,顯示再現性可以接受。以三倍於指標成分和雜訊之波峰高度比的最小濃度視為儀器的偵測極限,黃麴毒素 B1、B2、G1、G2 的偵測極限分別為 0.1、0.03、0.1、0.03 ng/mL。黃麴毒素標準品 B1、B2、G1、G2 液相層析出現順序,依序為 G2 (10.58 min)、G1 (12.38 min)、B2 (13.85 min) 及 B1 (16.54 min)。且依衛生署CNS4090「食品中黃麴毒素檢驗法」應用於中藥濃縮製劑,回收率為 0-84%。 單味濃縮製劑方面,樣品包含 3 家中藥廠的 33 件樣品,33 件樣品中 5 件檢出受黃麴毒素污染,1 件超過限量標準 15 ppb,污染率為 15.15%,不合格率為 3.03%,以小茴香及延胡索污染不合格率較高。複方濃縮製劑方面,樣品包含 3 家中藥廠的 89 件樣品,89 件樣品中 20 件檢出受黃麴毒素污染,0 件超過限量標準 15 ppb,污染率為 22.47%,不合格率為 0%,以麻杏甘石湯、芍藥甘草湯及天王補心丹污染不合格率較高。 有害物質 AFB1 致癌風險評估結果顯示,濃縮製劑不具終身致癌風險 (<1×10-6) (服食 30 年),延胡索風險評估 B 肝者為 2.09589´10-8,非 B 肝者為 6.9863´10-10;蓮子 B 肝者為 5.65227´10-8,非 B 肝者為 1.88409´10-9;半夏瀉心湯 B 肝者為 3.6275´10-8,非 B 肝者為 1.20917´10-9;麻杏甘石湯 B 肝者為 1.8177´10-8,非 B 肝者為 6.05901´10-10;芍藥甘草湯 B 肝者為 2.98736´10-8,非 B 肝者為 9.95785´10-10;歸脾湯 B 肝者為 5.64594´10-8,非 B 肝者為 1.88198´10-9;血府逐瘀湯 B 肝者為 4.17281´10-8,非 B 肝者為 1.39094´10-9;蒼耳散 B 肝者為 1.99157´10-8,非 B 肝者為 6.63857´10-10;天王補心丹 B 肝者為 6.23077´10-8,非 B 肝者為 2.07692´10-9,上述所得致癌性風險值皆<10-6,即小於單一污染源之致癌風險值百萬分之一 (1×10-6),判定此 AFB1 污染對民眾不會造成致癌風險健康危害


The advantages of concentrated chinese medicinal preparations (CCM) was conveniented to consume and saved time in preparing traditional decoction. In recent years, many domestic businesses of CCM products often add raw medicine powder to manufacture excipients, but owing to the numerous problems of adding raw medicine powder, like the possible contents of more pesticide residue, heavy metals and bacterial infection. The method used commercial immunoaffinity columns for clean-up and HPLC with fluorescence detection for quantification of aflatoxins (AF). The samples were extracted with 25 mL 80% methanol, filtered and applied to an AflaTest immunoaffinity column. The column was washed with 10 mL purified water. AF was eluted with methanol and quantified by reversed-phase HPLC with fluorometric detection (excitation wavelength 365 nm, emission wavelength 440 nm) using methanol–acetonitrile–water (19:18:63, v/v) as mobile phase. The regression equations of AFB1 was Y=0.0016X+0.1364 (r=0.9999). The intraday and interday relative standard deviations of AFB1 were at the levels of 0.00-0.05% and 0.01-0.05%, respectively. Detection limit of AFB1 was 0.1 ng/mL based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1. The average AFB1 recoveries from spiked AFB1-free CCM varied from 0.00-83.75%, and RSD ranged from 0.00 to 0.05%. The method was applied to 122 samples. AF was detected in 25 of samples, measurable at 1.15-14.9 ng/g. In conclusion, this study had shown that the HPLC method could be applied successfully to analyze AF occurred in the CCM. Risk assessment calculated of AFB1 for either the hepatitis B carriers or healthy population does not present any immediate risd based on the investigation.


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