  • 學位論文


The Research of International Operation for Non-profit Organizations–Evidence from Two Local Non-profit Organizations

指導教授 : 謝存瑞


自一九九0年代起,台灣非營利組織即呈現蓬勃發展之現象,不但非營利組織之數目大幅增長、服務品質提升、公共議題的倡導亦漸趨多元。在全球化浪潮的推動下,更有不少的非營利組織開始將觸角自本土延伸到海外,積極向國際社會擴張其服務市場。 本研究以國內兩家非營利組織為研究對象,試圖從資源基礎、資源依賴、網路關係以及組織生命週期等相關理論,探討非營利組織之國際化動機與營運模式。從研究個案發現,非營利組織的國際化動機除了實現組織之使命外,組織規模的大小、組織的生命週期,亦是決定組織向外擴張與否之要素。為了達成組織使命並有效宣揚組織之理念,非營利組織通常以直接設立海外據點的方式進行服務的傳輸,但當非營利組織係首次進入其目標市場時,為了有效利用資源、降低風險或加快進入的速度,多傾向於採略聯盟的方式,和信譽卓著或具備互補資源的合作夥伴產生互利共生的雙贏效應。


The non-profit organizations in Taiwan have been arising and flourishing since 1990s. Not only has its number increased dramatically, its service quality been improved, but also have the public issues it proposed tended to be diversified. Under the wave of globalization, many non-profit organizations began to extend their operation abroad, actively expanding their service markets to the international society. The objects of this research are two domestic nonprofit organizations. The motives of their international operation and their operation models are explored in this study from the perspectives of Resource-Based View, Life Cycle, Resource Dependence Theory, and Network Relationship. From the case studies, it is found that the expansion of the non-profit organization is decided not only by its motive to fulfilling the mission of the organization but also by its size and its life cycle. To achieve their mission and advocate their ideas effectively, the non-profit organizations transmit their service by setting up overseas bases of operation directly. Yet, for the purpose of using the resources more effectively, lowering the risk and speeding up its entrance, they tends to adopt the way of strategic alliance once they entered their aimed markets, cooperating with well-established partners or others that have complementary resources. Therefore, a win-win outcome is resulted from the reciprocal relationship.


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