  • 學位論文


The Business Strategy Analysis of Domestic Construction Industry- A Case Study on W Company

指導教授 : 劉子琦


營建業素有「工業龍頭」之稱,包容範圍廣泛,且帶動台灣經濟成長,其產業關聯性影響整體經濟發展至大。國內專業營建管理於法律上雖有所依據,但在目前已執行的主要大型營建案例中,業主與政府之間存在許多因不明確而產生的問題,確實造成政府單位與營建業主的困擾及執行上的障礙。除此之外,因為受到國內景氣大幅衰退、股市重挫、銀行緊縮銀根,在勞工及建材成本卻又逐漸增加的情況下,對營建業而言,財務的調度和營運管理上都會是一大挑戰。 加入WTO後,外商進入台灣市場,本國小型營建商必然會造成排擠效應。營建業的營運狀況易受到景氣循環波動的影響,景氣擴張時市場需求量大,營建公司推案及接案的件數成長,營收比例自然會提高,原則上營運風險應該會隨著景氣擴張而降低;但是此時的競爭對手數量也急遽的增加,所以還是會對營運風險有某些程度上的影響。 本論文乃是根據專家訪談之結果並輔以營建署官方資料,做綜合分析與討論。希望可以針對營建業與政府之間現有問題與未來展望做一有系統的整理。


營造業 競爭策略


The construction industry is the leader in industry, and lead many kinds of industries. Its huge effect influences the economics of national growth pretty much. Even though government legislates clearly for construction management, there are many problems which are produced by ambiguous situations existing between proprietor and government. These problems usually make government and proprietor confused and result a lots practical obstacles. Because of the depression of domestic prosperity, the sharp decline of stocks, and banks tightening, and the prime cost increasing, for construction industry, it is hard to deal the financial works and management. Additionally, joining WTO, the entering of foreign business into civil market absolutely caused crowd out the civil small construction business. The construction industries are easily influenced by Business Cycle. When Business Cycle is dilated, the need of the constructional markets would become large, and the number of constructional firms is also increasing. Therefore, the profit increases surely. Generally, the risks of industry management may decrease when the prosperity is dilated; however, the opponents are increasing sharply at the same time, which has some influence on management. According to the proprietor of qualitative analysis, and the official paper from Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of Interior, this research is going to show a systematic and logical result after arranging all data; moreover, for the problems of proprietor and government, the research hope to give those a clear vision and suggestion.


一 、中文文獻
a. 期刊文章
