  • 學位論文


The personality speciality of the shop assistant of the dealer in securities and influence on the achievement performance of working pressure

指導教授 : 蘇文斌


企業中擔當銷售工作的人員,俗稱銷售人員、業務人員或業務代表,其在企業行銷管理促銷組合上,扮演著創造營業收入的職責,此種因素在於金融業之證券公司更是明顯。從顧客層面來看,業務人員傳達著企業的全部資訊。因此企業在人力資源對業務人員的徵、選、育、留、用更是應該謹慎與用心,期能找到優秀的業務人員類型,經由訓練、激勵與督導,提升業務人員高績效的表現。 如能找到合適的業務人員進入企業中,加以培養不僅能提升業績績效,且會減少人事費用的成本。因為業務人員的主要工作,是涉及人際之間的互動與溝通,在其銷售的過程中,往往會經歷多次的挫折與失敗,才能獲得一次成功的銷售。此種高度不確定性與挫折感的職務,應非所有的人都能適任的。經由多年的工作觀察,業務人員可以接受這種挫折與壓力跟其人格特質有密切相關。 因此本研究運用逐步迴歸分析,探討營業員人格特質以及工作壓力,對於業績績效之影響。


Take on the personnel of sale in enterprises, is commonly called as sales force, business personnel or business representative, it is in enterprise's marketing management promote and make up, the duty of creating the business income that act, this kind of factor lies in the securities broker company of financial circles is more obvious. According to customer aspect, business personnel are transmitting all information of enterprises. So enterprises are in seeking, selecting, breeding, staying, using even more to business personnel of human resources should be prudent and diligently, one can find the outstanding business personnel type, via training, encouraging and supervising, improve the behavior of business personnel's high performance. If can find the business personnel suitable to enter in enterprises, train and can not merely improve the achievement performance, and will reduce the cost of the personnel cost. Because of the groundwork of business personnel, is the communicating while involving interpersonally, during the process of selling in it, will often go through numerous setbacks and failures, could obtain sale of success. Observe via the work for many years, business personnel can accept this kind of setback and pressure and is closely related with their specialities of personality. So this research uses to analyze progressively, probe into shop assistant's personality speciality and working pressure, influence on the achievement performance


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