  • 學位論文


The Evolution of Agricultural Policies in Mainland China

指導教授 : 曹海濤


本研究回顧了中國大陸農業政策的改革,在過去30年的改革以來,發現到中國大陸由原本的集權的人民公社,所表現出來的中國大陸政府集權式的管理,直到1979年改革開放後,中國農業政策也實施了改革,中國大陸農業由原本的戰略考量逐漸的轉變為市場導向,也必須注意國家糧食安全的重要性,在整個面臨的轉變下,可以發現到農村的發展對於中國大陸現代化有著舉足輕重的影響。   本研究將從農業結構調整、農產品貿易政策調整、土地改革、農村勞動力就業結構調整以及糧食制度等方面來討論,並且藉由台灣的農業改革作為參考,探討中國大陸加入世界貿易組織後,對農業部門產生的衝擊,以及中國大陸政府的應對方式,來探索出中國大陸農業如何永續發展的方針。


This research reviewed the mainland China's agricultural policy reform, since a past 30 year reform, discovered the mainland China by the centralization's People's commune originally, the mainland China government centralization-like management which displays, after 1979 reform and open policy, the China's agricultural policy has also implemented the reform, mainland China agriculture by strategic consideration gradual transformation originally for market direction, must pay attention to the China food security the importance, in entire faces under the transformation, may discover the countryside the development has the pivotal influence regarding the country mainland modernization.      This research from agricultural restructuring, agricultural product The trade policy adjustment, the land reform, rural labor force aspects and so on structure of employment adjustment as well as grain system discuss, and takes the reference because of Taiwan's agricultural reform, in after the discussion the mainland China joins the World Trade Organization, has the impact on the Agriculture department, as well as the country mainland government deals with the way, explores the policy which how the mainland China agriculture does continue forever to develop.


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