  • 學位論文


A Study on the Using Requirements of Social Media for Senior Citizens in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉光夏 周玟慧


目前許多研究早已開始針對高齡者提出網站設計準則。只不過,以目前新型態的社交平台尚未將中高齡者使用者列為設計考量,多數仍以青壯年人口做為主要訴求對象。為了迎合高齡使用者的數位網路生活到來,本研究著重找出問題所在及尋求解決辦法,明確地分析生理或心理上等可能產生的因素。整合出適合當前高齡者的真正需求與合適辦法。 目前許多研究早已開始針對高齡者提出網站設計準則。只不過,以目前新型態的社交平台尚未將中高齡者使用者列為設計考量,多數仍以青壯年人口做為主要訴求對象。為了迎合高齡使用者的數位網路生活到來,本研究著重找出問題所在及尋求解決辦法,明確地分析生理或心理上等可能產生的因素。整合出適合當前高齡者的真正需求與合適辦法。本研究的目的是透過放聲思考、品質機能展開獲取高齡者在使用社交網站下,其真正的需求、須改善的網站技術,以建構出適合高齡者社交網站。第一階段以問卷方式對台灣高齡網路使用者做調查,以瞭解目前高齡使用者的真正使用網路情形;第二階段透過邊做邊說的放聲思考法,以獲取高齡者最直接的社交網站使用實際情形,並將原始資料整理、分析放入品質屋當中,獲取使用者需求、網站技術要點之重要順序。所以本實驗選定目前世界普遍使用以中文化的Facebook做為測試網頁,針對設定網頁的介面與流程、所提供的功能服務,找出適合高齡者使用的方式與發展適合高齡者使用社交網站之因素。 本研究結果發現,提供簡易的註冊方式、增加網站的閱讀性、提供孰悉操作環境減免焦慮感,這些都是可以幫助高齡者得以順利使用社群系統。為了讓高齡者藉由社交網站達到更多與親友聯繫的機會,本研究建議未來可開放親子帳號系統,增加親子互動;便利貼留言板,讓高齡使用者避免片段多人討論方式干擾;增添網站內規畫旅遊設計功能,藉由旅遊設計拉攏親友間的情感、也豐富高齡者退休後的生活。 本研究結果發現,提供簡易的註冊方式、增加網站的閱讀性、提供孰悉操作環境減免焦慮感,這些都是可以幫助高齡者得以順利使用社群系統。為了讓高齡者藉由社交網站達到更多與親友聯繫的機會,本研究建議未來可開放親子帳號系統,增加親子互動;便利貼留言板,讓高齡使用者避免片段多人討論方式干擾;增添網站內規畫旅遊設計功能,藉由旅遊設計拉攏親友間的情感、也豐富高齡者退休後的生活。


It appears that currently a quantity of research has addressed numerous perspectives about the criterion of web design for senior citizens. Nevertheless, the contemporary community website still doesn’t take the users of the elder for dominate consideration; most website is still primarily designed for young adulthood. In an effort to address the issue of elderly digital life on the internet, research focuses on problem-and-solution search, analyze explicit and implicit problems both physically and emotionally, and integrate these better understanding of current problems and needs.The goal of this research is to study the data of the senior citizens during using the social media with the Thinking Aloud Analysis and Quality Function. Deployment in this paper and to establish these better situations of the social media for them. By means of Facebook that is popular for the whole world as a test website, we will suggest some better design elements, and users’ requirements to investigate the method utilized by senior citizens when they browse this specific social website. From this perspective, the study will focus on the interface, operating process, as well as functional service at the website. The findings argue that via providing easier registration and friendly operating environment, strengthening the legibility of the website, website designers endeavor to assist senior citizens to make good use of social media.Furthermore, in order to create more opportunity for the elder to keep in touch with their friends, it is suggested that the website can be designed to provide more diverse functional service to enhance the interaction between grown-up children and their elderly parents, such as planning family travel. It appears that currently a quantity of research has addressed numerous perspectives about the criterion of web design for senior citizens. Nevertheless, the contemporary community website still doesn’t take the users of the elder for dominate consideration; most website is still primarily designed for young adulthood. In an effort to address the issue of elderly digital life on the internet, research focuses on problem-and-solution search, analyze explicit and implicit problems both physically and emotionally, and integrate these better understanding of current problems and needs.The goal of this research is to study the data of the senior citizens during using the social media with the Thinking Aloud Analysis and Quality Function. Deployment in this paper and to establish these better situations of the social media for them. By means of Facebook that is popular for the whole world as a test website, we will suggest some better design elements, and users’ requirements to investigate the method utilized by senior citizens when they browse this specific social website. From this perspective, the study will focus on the interface, operating process, as well as functional service at the website. The findings argue that via providing easier registration and friendly operating environment, strengthening the legibility of the website, website designers endeavor to assist senior citizens to make good use of social media.Furthermore, in order to create more opportunity for the elder to keep in touch with their friends, it is suggested that the website can be designed to provide more diverse functional service to enhance the interaction between grown-up children and their elderly parents, such as planning family travel.


羅中岳(2007)。以社交生活型態為基礎之中高齡者部落格介面設計研究。 大同大學工業設計學系碩士論文。全國碩博士論文資訊網,095TTU05038021。
