  • 學位論文


A Study of Building the Two-tier Computerized Diagnostic Test and Remedial Instruction Media Based on Bayesian Networks –Taking the Time Concept of Lower Grade Elementary School Students as an Example

指導教授 : 郭伯臣 施淑娟


本研究以國小低年級時間概念為例,建置以貝氏網路為基礎的二階段電腦化診斷測驗,並探討以測驗結果為依據所編製的補救教學媒體之教學成效。研究者整理出相關的數學概念與迷思概念後,據以編製知識結構與二階段測驗,並將二階段測驗與貝氏網路認知診斷模型結合,在比較貝氏網路中三種不同診斷模式的辨識率後,以診斷成效最好的模式,建置國小低年級時間概念之二階段電腦化診斷測驗。此外,針對診斷測驗可測出之迷思概念,利用認知衝突策略設計補救教學媒體,並比較以自製補救教學媒體所進行之資訊融入補救教學,與傳統補救教學在成效上的差異。研究結果如下: 一、 國小低年級時間概念之二階段測驗的內部一致性Cronbach α值為 .821,優於一階段的 .739,顯示此二階段測驗具良好信度。 二、 結合二階段測驗與貝氏網路認知診斷模型,模式二的迷思概念及數學概念的平均辨識率為 .960,模式三則為 .949,皆優於一階段測驗。 三、 實驗組學生有八成三以上的對本研究所編製之二階段電腦化診斷測驗給予高度的肯定,有八成八以上認為以資訊融入方式進行的補救教學對數學概念的學習有助益,對本研究所編製之補救教學媒體的接受度良好。 四、 在補救教學成效上,前測成績64.22分以下的實驗組學生,其後測成績顯著優於對照組,顯示以認知衝突策略所進行的資訊融入補救教學有助於低分組學生提升時間概念的學習成效。 五、 在補救教學後兩個月進行延後測,實驗組的延後測平均分數為81.722分,高於對照組的67.433分,相差14.299分,且達顯著差異,顯示研究者自製的教學媒體對於學生的學習延宕成效優於對照組。


The purposes of this research aim at taking the time concept of lower grade elementary school students as an example to build a two-tier computerized diagnostic test based on Bayesian Networks and evaluate the teaching effects of the remedial instruction media based on the results of the diagnostic test. First, the researcher developed the knowledge structure and two-tier test in time concept of the lower grader upon the related mathematics concepts and misconceptions. After comparing the effectiveness of the three models in Bayesian Networks, the researcher combined the two-tier test and Bayesian Networks to build the two-tier computerized diagnostic test with the best model. Besides, according to the error patterns diagnosed by the test, the researcher used the cognitive conflict strategy to design the remedial instruction media. Finally, the effect of the remedial instruction of the experimental group and that of the control group will be examined. The results indicate: 1. The value of Cronbach α for the two-tier time concept test diagnosis tool is .821, and .739 for the one-tier time concept test diagnosis tool, which means the reliability of the former is better. 2. After comparing the effectiveness in Bayesian Networks diagnosis in the one-tier- and-two-tier test, the accuracy for the two-tier test in model two is .960, and .949 in the model three. Both model two and three are better than the one-tier test. 3. More than 83% of the experimental group gave their approval for the two-tier computerized diagnostic test. More than 88% of those think information technology integrated into remedial instructions could be helpful to their mathematics learning and also approve of the remedial instruction media designed by the researcher positively. 4. The effectiveness of the remedial instruction of the students in the experimental group with scores lower than 64.22 in the pre-test is significantly superior to the control group. The study of the arranged remedial instruction based on the cognitive conflict strategy confirms that the low-level students receive better recovery effect. 5. In the delayed post-test, the average score of the experimental group is 81.72, and that of the control group is 67.43. The notable difference attained by the examination reaches as high as 14.29. This indicates the experimental group is significantly better than the control group in the field of the time delay effect.


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